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Weird Weather!

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So... where I live right now (downtown San Diego, 1/4 mile from the Bay) it's 70 degrees.  

30 miles east (still San Diego), it's 106 degrees currently and all hiking trails are closed, which sucks because that's what guyfriend and I were planning on doing today!!

Early next year I'm moving to the Palm Desert area where yesterday it was 123 degrees and today it's expected to be 117 degrees.  Currently it's 101 degrees. 


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My dad lived in Arizona. Super hot!

One time I was visiting and we came back, the AC in his home broke and the toilet water evaporated. 😂

It's been in the low hundreds near me which is unusual (northern Cali). I don't do anything outside when it's that hot (I have hyperthyroidism/Graves Disease so I am super sensitive to extreme heat).🙃

My brother was just in Palm Springs. He loved it. My cousin moved there from the east coast, stayed a year, moved back to the east coast.

I love taking my walks in the morning when it's a bit chilly but you still have the warm sun. My fav!

If you enjoy the heat, then Palm Desert will be perfect for you! It's all about personal preference - some people thrive in hot weather, while others prefer cooler temperatures. But there's always air conditioning and pools to cool off in, so embrace the heat and enjoy your new home! 

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2 minutes ago, yogacat said:

My dad lived in Arizona. Super hot!

One time I was visiting and we came back, the AC in his home broke and the toilet water evaporated. 😂

It's been in the low hundreds near me which is unusual (northern Cali). I don't do anything outside when it's that hot (I have hyperthyroidism/Graves Disease so I am super sensitive to extreme heat).🙃

My brother was just in Palm Springs. He loved it. My cousin moved there from the east coast, stayed a year, moved back to the east coast.

I love taking my walks in the morning when it's a bit chilly but you still have the warm sun. My fav!

If you enjoy the heat, then Palm Desert will be perfect for you! It's all about personal preference - some people thrive in hot weather, while others prefer cooler temperatures. But there's always air conditioning and pools to cool off in, so embrace the heat and enjoy your new home! 

I don’t mind some heat. However, I don’t like where it gets so hot that you can’t go outside and enjoy things. You step outside and it’s like getting a blast of furnace right in your face.  Then you just want to turn around and go back inside. Based on what you told me about yourself, you definitely would not want to be here.  Toilet water evaporating is crazy!

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21 minutes ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

I don’t mind some heat. However, I don’t like where it gets so hot that you can’t go outside and enjoy things. You step outside and it’s like getting a blast of furnace right in your face.  Then you just want to turn around and go back inside. Based on what you told me about yourself, you definitely would not want to be here.  Toilet water evaporating is crazy!

Yes. It was so hot that we opted to stay at a hotel until his AC was fixed. I think it was about 115 degrees that day.

Everyone says, "oh, but it's a dry heat..." uhh true but it's the equivalent of sucking hot air out of a car exhaust pipe. lol

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Just now, yogacat said:

Yes. It was so hot that we opted to stay at a hotel until his AC was fixed. I think it was about 115 degrees that day.

Everyone says, "oh, but it's a dry heat..." uhh true but it's the equivalent of sucking hot air out of a car exhaust pipe. lol

I’ve lost count how many times I’ve heard that. 😆

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13 minutes ago, yogacat said:

Everyone says, "oh, but it's a dry heat..." uhh true but it's the equivalent of sucking hot air out of a car exhaust pipe. lol

Lol I was just gonna say that!! 

It does make a difference though.  If it were 100+ where I am now by the water with the humidity, it would feel tons hotter and be much MUCH more uncomfortable ...and dangerous with a greater chance of dehydration due to excessive sweating etc.

My late mom lived about 15 miles east from me where average was 90 to 100 in the summer.  Often higher like 110.

Dry heat and I LOVED it!!!  I love waking up to bright sunshine and I love early morning walks too! 

I've been to Palm Desert, Indio, Coachella many times, it's a very artsy place, especially Coachella which is where I'll be, just my style!  

123 may be a bit too hot but hopefully my body will accustom itself to it.

Thanks for the good wishes!  


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8 minutes ago, rainbowsandroses said:

Lol I was just gonna say that!! 

It does make a difference though.  If it were 100+ where I am now by the water with the humidity, it would feel tons hotter and be much MUCH more uncomfortable ...and dangerous with a greater chance of dehydration due to excessive sweating etc.

My late mom lived about 15 miles east from me where average was 90 to 100 in the summer.  Often higher like 110.

Dry heat and I LOVED it!!!  I love waking up to bright sunshine and I love early morning walks too! 

I've been to Palm Desert, Indio, Coachella many times, it's a very artsy place, especially Coachella which is where I'll be, just my style!  

123 may be a bit too hot but hopefully my body will accustom itself to it.

Thanks for the good wishes!  

My sister loves the heat too. She thrives in it. Me? I prefer a cool, crisp albeit sunny day with a cup of hot coco and chunky sweaters with cozy socks and I'm just the opposite in what I prefer, and then hearing the rain streaming on the windows.

I could be in a place that’s 110F for five minutes and instantly sort of say “screw this heat” while I start small-spying into the shade.

I don’t know if you know this, but people have thermal proteins in their cells that their temperature that might respond in such a way; some people are more reactive to freezing or warming temps.😀

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4 minutes ago, yogacat said:

I don’t know if you know this, but people have thermal proteins in their cells that their temperature that might respond in such a way; some people are more reactive to freezing or warming temps.😀

No I didn't know that!  Wow the things I learn on advice forums, who would've thought!  Lol.  Teasing. :classic_laugh:

I also love the mountains!  And was considering Mammoth Lakes at one point with all the great hiking trails and beautiful landscapes but ultimatrly decided on Coachellla where it's surrounded by three large mountain ranges so the best of both worlds.

My current avatar is Mammoth Lakes, breathtaking truly. 


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Can't stand heat. Either get headaches or fall asleep. Was in a town once where it hit over 120 and felt like I was dying.

Give me cool, foggy Bay Area weather any day. Been missing that lately...

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27 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

Can't stand heat. Either get headaches or fall asleep. Was in a town once where it hit over 120 and felt like I was dying.

Give me cool, foggy Bay Area weather any day. Been missing that lately...

We live in a state that gets very very hot but I still remember when we were in Lisbon 2 years ago and how desperately hot it was  - the upside was we found a little bodega where the water wasn't price gouged and my son made friends with the guy behind the counter -a young man who I believe had emigrated from Africa and hoped to visit the States one day. Such a nice person.  

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9 hours ago, ShySoul said:

Can't stand heat. Either get headaches or fall asleep. Was in a town once where it hit over 120 and felt like I was dying.

Give me cool, foggy Bay Area weather any day. Been missing that lately...

Come to England Shy, God we have that in SPADES 🤣


Where is summer this year? We don’t know! I can’t remember it being this dull for so long normally! 


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13 hours ago, yogacat said:

My sister loves the heat too. She thrives in it. Me? I prefer a cool, crisp albeit sunny day with a cup of hot coco and chunky sweaters with cozy socks and I'm just the opposite in what I prefer, and then hearing the rain streaming on the windows.

I could be in a place that’s 110F for five minutes and instantly sort of say “screw this heat” while I start small-spying into the shade.

I don’t know if you know this, but people have thermal proteins in their cells that their temperature that might respond in such a way; some people are more reactive to freezing or warming temps.😀

I can vouch as a redhead that we react the worst to temperature and are very sensitive to heat in general! 

Tell me Yoga, I think this is actually a genetic fact! Where is the science behind this? Lemme know! 🧬 


I’m the same! Fellow Winter lover here! I’m perfectly adapted for the Great British Weather aka drizzle 24/7 and grey clouds! It’s the Celt in me! 

I went to Egypt once and it was about 45 degrees C. God, I couldn’t take it! After seeing the pyramids for half an hour we all scrambled back to the air con of the tour bus and everyone was gulping water like they’d just ran a marathon. 

You could see the locals were totally accustomed to it - lounged outside their half built houses under self made canopies. I can’t tell you, I could have fell to the floor in awe inside Cairo museum - not because of the solid gold chariots or the miles of ancient scripture - but because the air con was first class, and I was delighted 🤣




Attached - typical British sky 🫡


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2 hours ago, mylolita said:

Tell me Yoga, I think this is actually a genetic fact! Where is the science behind this? Lemme know!

Yes, they're called 'heat shock proteins,' that are present in cells and respond to changes in temperature. Some have genetic variations that make them more sensitive or reactive to temperature changes:

Intracellular thermometry uncovers spontaneous thermogenesis and associated thermal signaling | Communications Biology (nature.com)

I have hyperthyroidism, so my body produces excessive amounts of heat. It affects my thermal proteins, making them more reactive to heat than those without hyperthyroidism.

While exploring the jungles of Belize, I hoped to see one of the country's national animals: the jaguar, revered by the ancient Maya. These guys are well-suited to their hot and humid environment thanks to their ability to produce heat shock proteins.

Sorry, I geeked out there for a minute.🤭😂

Haha, anyway, bring on the cool, crisp, albeit sunny weather!


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1 hour ago, yogacat said:

Yes, they're called 'heat shock proteins,' that are present in cells and respond to changes in temperature. Some have genetic variations that make them more sensitive or reactive to temperature changes:

Intracellular thermometry uncovers spontaneous thermogenesis and associated thermal signaling | Communications Biology (nature.com)

I have hyperthyroidism, so my body produces excessive amounts of heat. It affects my thermal proteins, making them more reactive to heat than those without hyperthyroidism.

While exploring the jungles of Belize, I hoped to see one of the country's national animals: the jaguar, revered by the ancient Maya. These guys are well-suited to their hot and humid environment thanks to their ability to produce heat shock proteins.

Sorry, I geeked out there for a minute.🤭😂

Haha, anyway, bring on the cool, crisp, albeit sunny weather!


This is cool! 

I tried looking up the link with the red head question and this popped up touching on heat sensitivity:


“Redheads may be hotheads, but they get colder faster. They also bruise more easily. And they feel more pain.

All this comes from a series of studies done in the last few years on people with genes for red hair. A true redhead produces an abundance of a yellow-red pigment called pheomelanin. (Brunettes produce the more common eumelanin, a dark brown pigment.) A redhead's prodigious pheomelanin output is the result of mutations, or variants, of the MC1R.3 gene. Redheads have two copies of this variant allele, one from each parent.


So what does this "redhead gene" have to do with sensitivity? The same gene is involved in the body's perception of pain. Edwin Liem, an anesthesiologist at the University of Louisville, suspects that when both copies of the MC1R.3 gene are variants, as they are in redheads, receptors in the nervous systemmodulate pain more intensely. It's also possible, according to Liem, that the redhead version of the MC1R gene also directly affects hormones that stimulate pain receptors in the brain.


In one study, Liem and his colleagues compared the pain tolerance of 60 naturally red-haired volunteers with 60 brunettes. The redheads reported that they felt a chilling pain at around 6 degrees C (43 degrees F), unlike the volunteers with dark hair. Brunettes did not feel an aching chill until the temperature approached freezing.”


Basically, whatever the case - I’m the same! I can’t tolerate the heat! 


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1 hour ago, mylolita said:

This is cool! 

I tried looking up the link with the red head question and this popped up touching on heat sensitivity:


“Redheads may be hotheads, but they get colder faster. They also bruise more easily. And they feel more pain.

All this comes from a series of studies done in the last few years on people with genes for red hair. A true redhead produces an abundance of a yellow-red pigment called pheomelanin. (Brunettes produce the more common eumelanin, a dark brown pigment.) A redhead's prodigious pheomelanin output is the result of mutations, or variants, of the MC1R.3 gene. Redheads have two copies of this variant allele, one from each parent.


So what does this "redhead gene" have to do with sensitivity? The same gene is involved in the body's perception of pain. Edwin Liem, an anesthesiologist at the University of Louisville, suspects that when both copies of the MC1R.3 gene are variants, as they are in redheads, receptors in the nervous systemmodulate pain more intensely. It's also possible, according to Liem, that the redhead version of the MC1R gene also directly affects hormones that stimulate pain receptors in the brain.


In one study, Liem and his colleagues compared the pain tolerance of 60 naturally red-haired volunteers with 60 brunettes. The redheads reported that they felt a chilling pain at around 6 degrees C (43 degrees F), unlike the volunteers with dark hair. Brunettes did not feel an aching chill until the temperature approached freezing.”


Basically, whatever the case - I’m the same! I can’t tolerate the heat! 


Very cool. I am going to have to look at this in more depth!🤩

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4 hours ago, yogacat said:

Very cool. I am going to have to look at this in more depth!🤩

I only got into this because I was looking at my family and how obviously the gene that causes red hair is recessive and then it snowballed! I also read we create our own vitamin D. Or need much less time in the sun to create the same amount. I was trying to search the science behind it! 

Anyway, enough about the gingers 🤣 👩🏻‍🦰


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Enotalone - come for the advice, stay for the science lessons. Thank you for helping teach me something new.

Currently 82 but feels like 92. Expected to go into the 90s in the next few days. Lolita, I'll have to seriously consider heading out your way. 

Yogacat, was at the San Diego Zoo a couple months ago. Saw a jaguar there. A lot easier then going to the jungles of Belize. Probably a lot less cool though. 😉

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2 hours ago, ShySoul said:

Enotalone - come for the advice, stay for the science lessons. Thank you for helping teach me something new.

Currently 82 but feels like 92. Expected to go into the 90s in the next few days. Lolita, I'll have to seriously consider heading out your way. 

Yogacat, was at the San Diego Zoo a couple months ago. Saw a jaguar there. A lot easier then going to the jungles of Belize. Probably a lot less cool though. 😉


Sorry, I like to geek out from time to time. Don't get me started on jaguars. They have those wicked teeth to crush straight through the skull of their prey and into the brain. 

My bestie female cousin will be at the San Diego zoo soon. 

This morning it was perfect. Chilly enough for a lovely stroll near the mountains.

Check out this lovely view from near my house:


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2 minutes ago, yogacat said:


Sorry, I like to geek out from time to time. Don't get me started on jaguars. They have those wicked teeth to crush straight through the skull of their prey and into the brain. 

My bestie female cousin will be at the San Diego zoo soon. 

This morning it was perfect. Chilly enough for a lovely stroll near the mountains.

Check out this lovely view from near my house:



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8 minutes ago, yogacat said:

Sorry, I like to geek out from time to time. Don't get me started on jaguars. They have those wicked teeth to crush straight through the skull of their prey and into the brain. 

My bestie female cousin will be at the San Diego zoo soon. 

This morning it was perfect. Chilly enough for a lovely stroll near the mountains.

Check out this lovely view from near my house:

Geeky people are the best people. And since I call myself I geek, I kind of have to believe that. 😉

Friend has a membership and they had to use their half price tickets before they expired. Also went to the Safari Park. Think I enjoyed the penquins, platypuss, and polar bear the most. They also have a zebra that share's my name, so I feel attached to that one. 

Nice view. All I see are other apartments. Though I can catch the Disneyland fireworks most nights.

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18 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

Geeky people are the best people. And since I call myself I geek, I kind of have to believe that. 😉

Friend has a membership and they had to use their half price tickets before they expired. Also went to the Safari Park. Think I enjoyed the penquins, platypuss, and polar bear the most. They also have a zebra that share's my name, so I feel attached to that one. 

Nice view. All I see are other apartments. Though I can catch the Disneyland fireworks most nights.

Mud pies and wooden blocks were my favorite as a kid. You?

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2 hours ago, yogacat said:

Mud pies and wooden blocks were my favorite as a kid. You?

Dessert? Mint Chip Ice Cream. Though I could also devour anything gummi related - bears, worms, coke bottle, dinosaurs, lifesavers....

Toy? Depends on the year. I went through cycles of getting really into various things. Generally it was some type of figure (Ninja Turtles, Star Trek, Power Rangers, my own wrestling promotion) where I'd create ongoing complex storylines that carried over to the next playtime. 

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19 hours ago, ShySoul said:

Dessert? Mint Chip Ice Cream. Though I could also devour anything gummi related - bears, worms, coke bottle, dinosaurs, lifesavers....

Toy? Depends on the year. I went through cycles of getting really into various things. Generally it was some type of figure (Ninja Turtles, Star Trek, Power Rangers, my own wrestling promotion) where I'd create ongoing complex storylines that carried over to the next playtime. 


I made mud pies with dirt and water. I didn't eat them. 🤣

No GI Joe? I thought most men loved their GI Joes.

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5 hours ago, yogacat said:


I made mud pies with dirt and water. I didn't eat them. 🤣

No GI Joe? I thought most men loved their GI Joes.

Wait a minute! I wasn't supposed to eat the mud? What are you going to tell me next, that I'm not supposed to mix the worms and dirt together for a gourmet treat?

Never got into Joe. Ever heard of Food Fighers though? They were military fighters only the soldiers were different food items such as Private Pizza. 😁


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