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my gf broke up with me and said that she liked girls more

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so I've known her more than a year at this point, she was a little off this couple of months but I wasn't really surprised cuz of the exams and etc but now, she started ignoring me one day, when I asked her what's wrong she couldn't give me an normal answer, then one day, she said that she was no longer bi and was lesbian, I tried to understand what was the reason, why did we all of a sudden just broke up and when I said that I've also liked boys in the past she said that I was manipulative egoist, seems like I was hard to deal with that she even chose to be lesbian, I feel myself as tom from 500 days of summer but instead of smoothly sailing away she just faded away, all these memories, all these gifts, I don't know what to do with them, she gave me jewelries like bracelets and amulets, gave me love letters and things like that, I was also giving her stuff, I don't know what I did wrong and what do I do now, it's hard knowing that only person who was able to actually make you fall in love just disappears all of a sudden, I even met her parents one day and we know each other, I even asked, "what was all of this for if you'd leave anyways if you knew that you didn't liked boys, why did you say that I was the only one and gave me chance to actually love you" but she replied with "past was past, now is now" I just honestly don't know what to do anymore, there's a lot of aspects that I haven't said in these text so if anyone will be kind enough to tell me, if I did something wrong and what should I do now, please tell me, my whole face is red.

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Just now, Izunu said:

so I've known her more than a year at this point, she was a little off this couple of months but I wasn't really surprised cuz of the exams and etc but now, she started ignoring me one day, when I asked her what's wrong she couldn't give me an normal answer, then one day, she said that she was no longer bi and was lesbian, I tried to understand what was the reason, why did we all of a sudden just broke up and when I said that I've also liked boys in the past she said that I was manipulative egoist, seems like I was hard to deal with that she even chose to be lesbian, I feel myself as tom from 500 days of summer but instead of smoothly sailing away she just faded away, all these memories, all these gifts, I don't know what to do with them, she gave me jewelries like bracelets and amulets, gave me love letters and things like that, I was also giving her stuff, I don't know what I did wrong and what do I do now, it's hard knowing that only person who was able to actually make you fall in love just disappears all of a sudden, I even met her parents one day and we know each other, I even asked, "what was all of this for if you'd leave anyways if you knew that you didn't liked boys, why did you say that I was the only one and gave me chance to actually love you" but she replied with "past was past, now is now" I just honestly don't know what to do anymore, there's a lot of aspects that I haven't said in these text so if anyone will be kind enough to tell me, if I did something wrong and what should I do now, please tell me, my whole face is red.

Btw, please guys subscribe to this guy "darky the vampire" he's an awesome dude, he helped me a lot on his live, he gave me attention and even suggested this website 

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1 minute ago, Izunu said:

Btw, please guys subscribe to this guy "darky the vampire" he's an awesome dude, he helped me a lot on his live, he gave me attention and even suggested this website 

I have no idea what any of this means........😕

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7 minutes ago, Capricorn3 said:

have no idea what any of this means..

Quick google seach and he appears to be a Youtuber livestreaming videogames. He's live right now. Maybe we need to get him to give more referrals to the site? 😁

14 minutes ago, Izunu said:

I don't know what I did wrong and what do I do now, it's hard knowing that only person who was able to actually make you fall in love just disappears all of a sudden,

Regardless of gender, regardless of sexuality, it's never easy when someone breaks up with you. You are left with unanswered questions and having to pick up the pieces. The hardest thing is to see that you might not have done anything wrong. There might be nothing you could have done to prevent it. A person's feelings are there feelings. If they don't feel it, they don't feel it. 

Sexuality can be fluid. Maybe she was trying to convince herself she was bi, but really felt lesbian all along. Maybe she is bi but has a preference to women and realized that she wanted that instead. Or maybe she is unsure and still figuring herself out. It's even possible it had nothing to do with that and there is something else she is going through and she doesn't feel she can be in a serious relationship at all now.

Right now you take time to yourself to heal and mourn. Feel sad and cry if you want to. Remember and cherish the good times. Even get angry and upset with her if you need to. But don't blame yourself or think it was all on you. Both people probably could have done things differently. Be honest with yourself if you did something wrong. But know that if she wasn't into it, she was going to leave eventually, no matter what. 

Focus on moving forward, one day at a time. Eventually, it hurts less. You will be fine. You will feel love again, and it will be even more wonderful.

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41 minutes ago, Izunu said:

 I tried to understand what was the reason, why did we all of a sudden just broke up   -  she said that I was manipulative egoist, seems like I was hard to deal with

so if anyone will be kind enough to tell me, if I did something wrong and what should I do now,

I think she broke up due to the above (in bold).  All you can do is learn from your mistakes so as to not carry it forward to a future relationship.

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53 minutes ago, Izunu said:

she said that I was manipulative egoist,

Were you? Be honest with yourself. Did you do anything that could be taken as manipulative? Or is this her searching for a reason? None of us were there, so this is a question you have to answer for yourself.

If you did make mistakes, own up to them. Learn from it. Work on being a better person.

If you can honestly say you weren't, then let her go. Work on healing yourself and know something better will come eventually.

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14 hours ago, ShySoul said:

Were you? Be honest with yourself. Did you do anything that could be taken as manipulative? Or is this her searching for a reason? None of us were there, so this is a question you have to answer for yourself.

If you did make mistakes, own up to them. Learn from it. Work on being a better person.

If you can honestly say you weren't, then let her go. Work on healing yourself and know something better will come eventually.

Thanks man, I tried healing but rn I evev got ptsd from her. at max what could've been counted as a manipulation was the fact that I was being jealous everytime she was out walking with some other dudes, but when I was with my female friends she was starting to cry and etc and when I found out about that I just stopped contacting them, cuz I thought the only female that I wanted in life was she, now I'm here, and I plan to meet her tommorow, hope I'll get the right answers +I'll show her what I was writing about her all along, I don't really care anymore, I was asexual from the start and didn't had any attraction towards any gender but she was the one that changed everything from me, she looked like both genders short hair, girly accent, biggest w on clothes and music damn she even helped me when I tried to commit it, but now idk what was her plan all along, she just disappeared, and isn't even really answering any of my texts, and I'll quote what she exactly said when I asked her what happened "I don't think that I can imagine myself with anyone, especially with a boy" so I thought that if she said she couldn't imagine her self with "anyone" I could've changed something, but now she's just ignoring me and everyone around her, cuz even her best friend that she knew for 7 years isn't in a good mood +she added that she didn't cared anymore about being lesbian and didn't cared about others opinions, while I know how hard she tried in the past to be kind towards everyone, she changed and I don't know why

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On 7/5/2024 at 8:19 AM, Izunu said:

"I don't think that I can imagine myself with anyone,

There's the key phrase. ANYONE. For whatever reason, she doesn't want a relationship at this point. If she doesn't want it, there is nothing you could have done. There is nothing anyone could do. There probably wasn't a plan. Most of us are really just winging it and figuring things out as we go along. You can't make a person feel something they aren't. You can try to understand it, but the only one who will ever fully get why she did it is her. 

It hurts. I had someone suddenly change their mind on me and it left me a mess for months. I saw my normally strong brother cry every night for a week, That's a part of losing someone you love. 

The choice you have is if you will allow your feelings for her and her actions to control you and have power over you. Do you cling to it to the point it keeps hurting you? Or do you feel these emotions and slowly start to move forward?

I hope you were able to get some answers when you met with her. Hope you are feeling at least a little better.


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