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I just got laid off and I feel hopeless

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Hello, so two weeks ago, I got hired at a full time custodial job that I was excited to work at. Last week I started the job and I had the best team and great manager, I really enjoyed going in everyday.  I worked there for one week.

This Monday, I got a call from my manager that the contract between property and company was terminated. So now I am jobless. I am devastated. I have been contacting the company and asking if there are any other places available but nobody is responding. I am starting to feel hopeless and like i'm a failure. I have gone out trying to find a job and it's still so tough. I'm back at square one. That job felt too good to be true.  My mom is down my throat now to look for a job and she doesn't care if I end up in a bad food place or retail where i'll have to deal with abuse from customers. That is why I enjoyed custodial so much is because I was by myself for the most part and it was calm.  I don't think I have any options. I'm also not sure this company will pay me for the work I did.  

Does anyone have advice? I feel lost.

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Start networking in person and online.  It's not only what you know;  it's who you know that gets you places in life. 

Going through the front door doesn't always work.  Going through the back door from an in person connection is the quickest path to secure your employment.  This has been my and my husband's invaluable experience as well as multiple family and extended family members.  It's a rough world out there and every little bit helps because it boils down to survival. 

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Hi Sara. I’ve been in the same boat as you for the last month.  Still haven’t heard from any of the places I’ve applied at. Not even a request for an interview.  I agree with the networking.  Only I’ve been working virtual contracts since Covid so I don’t really have any in person networking contacts. Speaking from experience, all I can say is take it one day at a time and hang in there.  

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I think I talked on Beatles thread about the jobs in general, but, I realized some time ago that I would be fine with my expanses. Meaning that, even if I dont have a job that I have now, I would have enough to pay my expanses and dont starve. Which is at least basic needs. So, I stopped worrying that much about the jobs.

I would recommend the same. A job is a job. If you are in that need of a job, then you cant choose. And even would need a retail job if they offer one. If you can choose, then try to wait for a good offer. Update your CV, send to places and see if you can get some interviews.

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5 hours ago, sarafollows said:

My mom is down my throat now to look for a job and she doesn't care if I end up in a bad food place or retail where i'll have to deal with abuse from customers

Don't let her influence you like that.

You need a push to your morale. Some encouragements to keep going.

I will say, grieve this short job and then keep looking. Chat with any manager/colleague there and see if they have any leads or any idea whereabouts they'll go next.

I hate to give a cliché, but there might be a blessing as to why this happened to you. You might not understand it now, but it'll make sense later.

You got this. Just like they employed you at that job, other companies are excited to have you too.

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No need to get down on yourself.  It's not hopeless.  Just keep looking.  Check out sites like SnagAJob or if you are in the US, USAjob.gov.   That is the website for federal jobs; there are often custodial jobs available there.  Make sure it's .gov.  The .com ones are a scam; if somebody asks you for money to get you a job, run because that's a scam.  Again if you are in the US try your state's website & the website for your town / county / parish.    Try calling the property & ask them what new company they contracted with.  Then apply there.  

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If you worked those two week and signed documentation, I would imagine you are owed for the time. Check the laws in your area and what you can do if you don't get paid.

Don't get discouraged and know you are not a failure. I've lost several jobs, none of them through my own fault. You can't control what is going on behind the scenes or what higher ups decide. All you can control is your own actions, doing the best job you can. It's not your fault this happened, so don't tell yourself it is.

First priority is to take care of the necessities. Do you have enough to sustain yourself for housing, food, etc? Can you get unemployment? 

Keep an open mind when it comes to work. There might be opportunities where you least suspect it. There are more work from home options available since the pandemic. There is freelance work. There are plenty of career options for those who might prefer more solitary work. Perhaps look into things that are more in line with your style.

Good luck, you can do it.

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