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Female Coworker Jealous

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So, there is my coworker and we both are in equal leadership role ..she is lawyer snd i am controller of the company.. shes super friendly to my boss call him mr. A but she reports to Mr. A boss who is CEO. She just talks to him and does not talk much to other staff members.

1) Infront of my subordinates she threatened to fire me.

2) Now shes showing cleveage in meetings and her sole attention is on mr A and they look like chatting and exchanging expressions which is super annoying.

3) She call me sophisticated, elegant woman 

4) Then she calls me oh you live here you rich people - kinda bullies me.

5) She is obviously in competition with me.

Then she goes to my boss and laugh extremely loud..

My boss A is super friendly with her… and super sweet and whenever i complain to him, he tell me to resolve with her and gets more super sweet talker. 

How to handle her and why Mr A acts like thus


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I'm not really understanding what your problem is. 

You are making a lot of assumptions about your co-worker.  It sounds like you are jealous of her and the attention she is getting and making pretty classic projections onto her from your own negative feelings. 

How do you know she is 'in competition with you" what does that even mean? You say you have entirely different work roles, so that doesn't even make sense.  Do YOU have a crush on Mr. A?  And you are jealous that he seems more friendly with her?

In workplace environments, people are always going to have their favorites- I'd advise you to not take it so personally.  Them talking or being friendly isn't doing anything wrong.  Even if they ARE flirting, so what?  How does that effect your life or job?  I think maybe you have a crush on Mr. A and that's what this all stems from.  

Why on earth do you care what she wears?  Dress however you want and stop judging other women for their choices, that's honestly just mean. 

If you hate it SO much there and you hate her and Mr. A so much, there's a VERY easy solution- QUIT. 

Your choices are to get over thinking everything is a personal affront to you and focus on your JOB instead of who is talking to who or quit if you can't handle that.  

It's not your job to psychoanalyze your co-workers.  If you really feel she is doing something to you that is WORK related- how she dresses and what friends she has is not about YOU or your JOB- you can always bring something about unprofessional behavior to HR.  HOWEVER, I would caution you to tread carefully, they will ask for verifiable proof, not just your jealous and hurt feelings, so you better have something to back that up.  You could just end up getting in trouble yourself if you come forth with baseless accusations based on your feelings instead of facts. And it certainly won't make you more popular. 

Get over it or quit. 


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When i am around Mr. A and working around, why she raised her eyebrows ? She openly says stuff about me in the office…Its not me whos jealous!

She doesnt cut my paycheck.. so i dont care about her. I am not into Mr. A as well…. we work great and thats all. I just dont like how she treats me and bullies me. Shes also HR and i cant go anywhere else. 

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1 hour ago, lonely_spirit said:

When i am around Mr. A and working around, why she raised her eyebrows ? She openly says stuff about me in the office…Its not me whos jealous!

She doesnt cut my paycheck.. so i dont care about her. I am not into Mr. A as well…. we work great and thats all. I just dont like how she treats me and bullies me. Shes also HR and i cant go anywhere else. 

Decide whether this job is worth the high school crap.  If it is keep your head down, do your work and limit your socializing at the office.

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4 hours ago, lonely_spirit said:


She doesnt cut my paycheck.. so i dont care about her. I am not into Mr. A as well…. we work great and thats all. I just dont like how she treats me and bullies me. Shes also HR and i cant go anywhere else. 

Your choices are the following: 

1. Come in and do your job and stop worrying about someone you don't care about "at all" (You give her more power than she deserves by obsessing over what she wears, who she interacts with and her every facial tick)

2. Make a formal complaint about her to her superior- I assure you she HAS one, but if you take this route, you better have concrete proof, as you can be fired for false accusations. 

3. QUIT. 

If you have no intention of pursuing options two or three- then take option 1 and stop complaining.  Because even if what you say about her is TRUE and you do nothing, then it's just as much your fault as hers.  There's always a choice.  It may not be a choice you LIKE, but it's still a choice.  

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