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Who's been to Al Anon

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I haven't been to al anon, but as a person who dealt with an alcoholic father I would have been a prime candidate. 

On the plus side, there is value in having that support system. I often felt like I was fighting the battle to help him alone. Once the rest of my family had moved away, it was just me and him. I saw him at his worse and was the one who had to take care of him and make sure basic responsibilities were handled. Outsiders either weren't aware of the problems or took him at his word that he was a victim being lead to drink by how he had been treated. Having people around who knew how that felt would have made me feel a lot better. It also could have provided tools or a way to reach him that I was unable to see.

On the negative side, I don't think I would have done well with the religious component. I'm sure its useful for a lot of people and they need that. I just don't think it gels with my personal beliefs.

Its a program just like any other. Some people will find it useful, others wont. Do some research on its basic principals and see if it sounds like a good fit for you. If you think it might be useful at all, why not go once and test it out? If you don't like it, just don't go back. I don't believe anyone will force you to attend, so see how it goes, then decide if its right for you. And if al anon isn't right, I see there are similar programs out there. Maybe there is something similar nearby for you that would work.

I hope you and whoever is dealing with this illness find something that can help. Best wishes and good luck.



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I have been to Al Anon and ACOA (adult children of alcoholics).  I only went to a few meetings because they weren't the right groups for me; my issues were not as severe as many of the people who shared.  I felt uncomfortable complaining about my problems when there were people present who were physically abused by the drunks.  

I learned a lot about my enabling behaviors & how the drunk effected my view of the world.  I am a perfectionist because as a child I thought that would help calm the chaos.  It's a pretty common response.  

If you have never been I suggest you attend 1-2 meetings & just listen.  You are not required to share.  It is anonymous as the name implies.  You don't have to stick with it. 

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