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Why do people do this?

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On 6/27/2024 at 9:41 AM, Enya77 said:

That's interesting. I actually might be autistic. I'm going to be evaluated soon.

I was actually wondering if autism might apply to you. If that's the case, you really aren't broken. You just see the world and process things differently. It's the person you were born as, and you are are valuable just that way. If you do fall on the spectrum, that can help you better understand yourself and maybe find ways to cope with what you've experienced.

On 6/26/2024 at 7:48 AM, Enya77 said:

I think it's them being mean and in that case I should take their opinion with a grain of salt. I have had my dad tell me I should learn to stand up for myself and they might just be doing it because they can.

Anyone who puts you down isn't worth the worry or tears. Don't believe it and don't show them you're angry. That just feeds them. I've learned to laugh at how stupid and predictble their comments usually are, knowing that what they say isn't true. As long as you believe in yourself, knowing who you are, there words mean nothing. 

Personally, I like the kill them with kindness method. I'll just be extra nice to them so they don't get the reaction they were probably looking for. Shows they don't get to me and they grow bored with trying.


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On 6/27/2024 at 7:02 AM, Bertram said:

This might be a case of finding your tribe, not sure. People with mental health diagnoses, neurodivergent diagnoses, etc, often feel much better when they find a community of people they have some more in common with, and who share social norms. Some people, for example, find happy smiley people extremely stressful, and like nothing better to sit quietly with someone who doesn't blast them with toxic jollity. Peer support groups in short might be something to look for. 

You have my sympathy. I work with a lot of autistic people who report similar issues. Many of them feel much better after finding other autistic people to hang about with. From your posts on here you seem really nice and polite, for what its worth. 

Completely agree. I, for one, do much better with someone I can just sit quietly with or have the conversation we want without all the casual fluff and forced niceities. Just because I'm not constantly smiling on the outside, doesn't mean I'm being rude or not happy you are around. 

Having people, even just one, who gets you means the world. And Enya, you do seem like a great person. Please, take care and keep us informed on how you are doing. I'll be thinking of you.


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