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ok, i don't want to generalize this question, and I'm sure that women are just as guilty as men in this situation, but why does this happen??? See below...


I was with a guy for 3 years and we broke up cause we were too young, I was for the most part content with him, but he wanted to explore, and didn't want to reach the next level (move in together, marriage, etc.). They say they still love you, that you are the one they can see themselves settling down with. Then you start "seeing" them, chatting, dating, still being physical, but, they don't call when they say they will, they make up excuses why they can't do something with you (although just months before when you were in a "relationship" you did things together all the time), and when you ask them why they haven't spoken to you in a while, or didn't call, or just to have some friendly chatter, they act as though you are bothering them, until, a couple of weeks go by, and then they are all, so where have you been, why haven't I heard from you. And when you get mad at them for pushing you away, they think that you are the crazy one? It's really frustrating.


It's like you are being so horrible just because you still like them or something. I don't get it. Maybe some of you guys or girls can shed some light on this. I used to think it was some kind of fear of attachement, commitment or something, but I don't know. Anyone?

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What I think? They like you, but they're not sure that you're "The One." So, they want to go out and explore their options. But after 3 years, if he hasn't figured out that you're the best thing that's ever happened to him, I think you're best to move on and meet a guy who does think that you're "The One." Good luck!

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I was in a similar position with my x girlfriend. In other words I was the one in your situation that was being pushed away and I hated it. I could have seen myself with this girl in the future but her pushing me away (and some other major emotional problems she had) made me realize that I just need to let her go. If things work out in the future and I talk/see her again then it was meant to be.. if not then at least I moved on more sooner than later.

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It used like that for me too. He didn't want to talk as much anymore. Felt tired and didn't want to meet....

That was my 2 1/2 yr relationship which recently fizzled away for many reasons....

Ne-way, I hate to say this but I think the person is either getting so used to you, that they take you for granted, or they are losing interest.

Discussing doesn't help much except make you emotional and him irritated. You need to decipher what this means for yourself. Get more clues, or try to talk to him, open him up a little.

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