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Having a food fight with your spouse/partner

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There is a wacky event in our city which offers couples the chance to have a food fight. They use mostly expired food and advertise the event as a fundraiser for a local food pantry. A $200 ticket allows each couple a five-minute session where they can step into a giant inflatable kiddie pool and go crazy. The items provided include pies, cakes, baked beans, chocolate syrup, raw eggs, Spaghetti-O’s, ketchup, mustard, soda, and more. They recommend that participants wear swimsuits, or cloths that can get ruined. A photographer is on hand to provide participants a video and images of their session.

The event is advertised as a great way to relieve marital stress, and also a good way to break the ice for a first date. My husband and I are considering doing this, which would involve our three-year-old spending the night with the babysitter for the first time. It feels kind of naughty and irresponsible, but I guess that is the whole point. Has anyone else ever done anything like this? Do you think it would be fun, or would you have any reservations?

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23 minutes ago, Cherylyn said:

I agree with @Batya33.  I wouldn't do it.  My husband wouldn't either.  However,  if you and your husband are excited about this upcoming food fight,  go for it! 

Also in my large city I don't have all the details but if a food is still edible - and some are even past the best by date - the local food bank finds ways to make use of it -they pride themselves on how many meals they can serve/prepare/give with even a $1 donation.  I'd hate to think of any food waste.  If a friend wanted to do it I'd donate on her behalf if the $ went to the food bank.

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I don’t think I could do it as I was raised in an abusive household and throwing things would aggravate my PTSD and generational influence the wasting of food brings on guilt . I was also starved for 9 months as a kid so wasting food causes anxiety. 

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Also is your child allergic to anything as far as remnants of food left on your clothing or body? What I would do is find an activity that releases energy in a couple activity- take a swing dancing lesson , a long walk or hike in nature, maybe do a half marathon together? And separately you can donate $ to a cause you support.  We have a 15 year old who we don't leave alone for long periods of time and we both work and my husband travels.  Yesterday on our child free day -he is away with friends - we walked about 4 miles.  yes it was really hot out.  We walked through a Juneteenth event, even saw a parade, stopped for ice cream (he got some I didn't), stopped at two local interesting food markets, walked home and later watched part of Dr. Zhivago lol.  We had fun. 

We talked, didn't talk, people watched a lot, bemoaned the lack of samples at the store and he was proud to introduce me to one of his favorite movies.  And it was -quiet with no teenager!

I know we didn't mud wrestle etc and we are 57 and this sounds so dull but it wasn't because it's so novel for us to get long stretches of time together with no interruptions (we didn't look at our phones except when I was in the restroom lol).  I get the novelty of the idea and the Facebook photos if you do that sort of thing but if you're close but just need child frree time even a "date-ette" like we did can be so refreshing and fun.  JMHO.

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It's your choice so do it if sounds like fun to you.

Personally have never understood food fights. Rather then enjoy eating the food let's waste it by throwing it at each other creating a mess that we will then need to spend time cleaning up. You'll spend as much time if not more wshing up then actually doing the activity. Also sounds pretty expensive for a five minute experience. That's before you add the cost of the babysitter.

My preference would be to just donate the money (or food from the pantry), have a nice meal with my partner, then find other creative uses for whip cream in the comfort and privacy of our own place. 😉

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It wouldn’t be something that would interest me, but I can appreciate that it might be fun for some. I’d establish some ground rules with partner to avoid someone getting hurt—or the relationship getting hurt. Some couples have barely survived a debacle with their wedding cake. Be careful!

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Food pantries sometimes end up having expired, excess food.

To keep food safe, food pantries need to regularly rotate their inventory and properly store and refrigerate food. This means that they may end up with excess or expired food that they cannot give to those in need.

One of the major sources of food donations comes from grocery stores that have to throw out expired food.

The caveat is that everything we assume about date labels is probably wrong anyway and most people are probably missing out on perfectly good food. It makes up nearly 60% of greenhouse landfill gas emissions.

Food fight for a cause: New Hope Hermitage helps families in need (youtube.com)

I suppose using fake food would be better but then someone would have to clean it up and disposing of that would be a challenge. Using expired food in a food fight for charity though gets some of the food out of the waste stream as soon as possible at $200 a pop.

Food probably would not get clean out of a landfill without burning as opposed to recycling and that means not having methane loft into the air either way. I could see animals eating some of it and the rest would end up clogging the land fill some how without burning it.

A food fight with expired food might help both recipient and provider of a food donation service get rid of what is probably outdated food in a fun way. $200 of raised charity is a net gain for the beneficiaries. 

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46 minutes ago, yogacat said:

The caveat is that everything we assume about date labels is probably wrong anyway and most people are probably missing out on perfectly good food

A lot of labels are "sell by" or "best by" dates. The actual items are still good for quite a bit of time.  A lot of food does get wasted with people automatically throwing stuff out. Do some quick homework and you could help save some waste (as well as stretch that grocery budget 😉).


Even if it's not my kind of thing, I applaud this place for thinking outside the box and coming up with a creative way to make sure products don't completely go to waste.

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I gave myself a parasite recently drinking waterfall water on a tropical island...yeah, so getting expiring or not so fresh food thrown into my face is less than ideal...granted, I sure the food is fine enough, the waste of it all is weird, like those content creators and wasting waffles or something.  It's cheaper to shoot AR15s at a gun range together, or doing axe throwing or competing on the race bikes at the arcade.  I would instead consider naruto massage where you massage each other using your bodies if you want to do something sexy.  Ultimately gun range, then eating steaks is what I'd spend $200 pp on. But that's me.  

Locally, we have mud days, where anyone can play in mud at this farm.

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My primary objection to a food fight would be having to clean up after it.  

This eliminates that consideration so if you both think this would be fun, go for it!  It's awesome that they will take pictures.   

I'd get creamed by my military veteran spouse.  Would not be a "fair fight" at all so I don't think I would want to participate but that is my ego & competitive nature.  Dh would also hold back because he knows I don't have his physical prowess so he wouldn't get to have that much fun.  

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Apparently this is a fundraiser featured in lots of cities, although I'm seeing a lot cheaper prices. I particularly like the image of a choclate syrup slip-n-slide and a spaghetti dunk tank. 


And if just want the food fight without the charity, go to Spain. They seem to have a lot of city wide food fights, including the worlds largest.



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