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Ex girlfriends, boyfriend piggybacking of her job!

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So My ex after 10 years, her new boyfriend is attached at her hip and not allowing her to work her job unless he is there helping her(he is a assistant housekeeper lmao!!!). He has nothing going for him self, and she has to drive him everywhere he wants go. Why can I still not get over her? It's been several months.

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You were together for 10 years. That is a long time and a lot of memories and experiences together. Your lives were intertwined for so long that it was probably hard to know where one of you ended and the other started. That's not something you just get over or let go overnight. I had an experience that lasted ten months, and it still took at least four months for me to process everything. So cut yourself a break. Healing takes time, as much time as it needs to. 

Also realize that part of breaking up is letting a person live their own life. She can see anyone she wants without your judgement on him or their situation. Just as you are free to do as you please. You may not think he's good enough. That maybe concern for her. Or it might be jealousy. Regardless, it's not your decision to make. If this is the relationship she wants right now, then respect her and let it be. She's a grown woman who can take care of herself.

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