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Mixed signals after first date

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Okay, so a couple of weeks ago i reached out to a childhood friend on insta and asked him to go to prom with me. Last week , we went on a “date”, we got ice cream (he paid) and talked for 3 hours. After he walked me to my car and gave me a hug but didn’t text me that night. it’s been about a week and the only thing he texts me about is prom. I dont know if i’m overthinking, I just want him to be straightforward about whether we’re just friends or possible romantic interests.

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1 minute ago, resolmund said:

Okay, so a couple of weeks ago i reached out to a childhood friend on insta and asked him to go to prom with me. Last week , we went on a “date”, we got ice cream (he paid) and talked for 3 hours. After he walked me to my car and gave me a hug but didn’t text me that night. it’s been about a week and the only thing he texts me about is prom.

He seems interested and excited about the prom but not a big texter. At this early stage please don't expect BF behavior like texting all the time. 

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How close are  you with your childhood friend? Who is paying for the prom? If he still wants to go -go and go and have fun and have no expectations beyond a fun and memorable night.

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What do you want out of this? Was your intent friends going to hang out together? Or were you hoping for more? And did you communicate this when you asked him to prom?

Based on what you said it's unclear what either of you are thinking aside from having fun at a dance together. If you want him to be straightforward, then be straightforward with him. Figure out what it is you are hoping for, then talk about it with him. You were the one to ask him to the prom, so it's possible you'll need to be the one to take initiative on working out what all this means. 

Regardless what you decide, have fun at the prom. Be it as friends or potentially more, there is a reason you asked him and a reason he said yes. There is a reason you could spend three hours talking. Enjoy that reason and enjoy each other's company.

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7 hours ago, resolmund said:

I just want him to be straightforward about whether we’re just friends or possible romantic interests.

By being your childhood friend and taking you to prom? I would say its just a friends situation.

There is a distinct difference between a date and a friends going out for coffee, or in your case ice cream. Your childhood friend is by that distinction, just a friend. I dont see how him taking you to prom changes things. Especially when you reached out to him for that, not him to you. As far as I know, other than American teen romance comedies, there is no correlation between asking somebody to prom and being romantic. Aside of some people already being a couple. Which you are not, he is your childhood friend. FRIEND.

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He's unsure about your motives as many guys have found themselves in this situation...confused. He's being cautious. You will see if things are more than what they are at prom night.

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You want him to be strait forward even while you are not? And you're expecting him to have clarity about where he wants to stand with you after one conversation?

I'd consider this prom to be a fun date between friends. You both might have a better idea about whether you'll want to take it to more dating after that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After our first date, I received mixed signals from him, leaving me unsure about where we stand. Despite what seemed like a great connection during our date, I'm confused by the mixed signals he's sending afterward. His mixed signals after our first date are making it hard for me to gauge his level of interest in pursuing things further.

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Right now you have a prom date.  

That is a romantic setting.  Go with minimal expectations beyond having fun.  See what happens. 

After prom if you are still confused then you can reach out & ask to clarify.  That is a conversation best had in person.  Do NOT try to deal with something so deep & emotional over text.  It won't work.  You need to be able to look at him & hear his tone & he needs to see & hear you too.  You may have to be brave & be the one who opens up 1st telling him you like him & you want to see where this goes.  

You may get rejected.  Your timing may be off, especially if you are both leaving for college in the fall.   It's worth the risk though 

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