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I am a misplaced comma

A pause,

When there shouldn't be

A breath (,) taken

When your meant to carry on

Or stop entirely



Full stop.

But I keep going

Hanging on the ankles of

The last letter

As it tries awkwardly

To shake me off

To whisper

"Not yet"


"Not here,

This spot is for someone else"

But I'm not ready to finish my thought

Or maybe I just need

An extra,


In the wrong place

Where I'm not supposed to be


If life is a sentence,

I am, haphazard





In, all, the, wrong, places,




*First Draft. Freewrite poem. 5:11am. Wednesday, March 27th, 2024.

(((Sorry, for the post spamming. I guess I have a lot of words pouring out of me today. Also -- it's been mentioned there may be a better place to post this type of content. Once I locate that, i promise to relocate there. 😉 In the meantime, thank you for suffering my ignorance and brain dumping. ♡)))

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you that, made me smile. Oh wait I, think, I might be misplacing a few commas myself. 😁

I can get annoyed with people's misuse of punctuation, so probably good for me to laugh about it. Clever idea and hope to read more.

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