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Ok, so I'v been dating this girl for about 4 months now. At first things were excellent, she was crazy about me. I had never had anyone actually care about me so much and like me for who I was. She was always very clingy but I liked knowing how much she adored me.


But now the tables have turned, it seems I have fallen in love with this girl. She is everything to me. We are togeather all the time and when I'm not with her I think about her constantly. She says she feels the same, and tells me I'm the best thing thats ever happened to her. But I am constantly worried about losing her. I feel like I need her to tell me she loves me every 5 minutes, which I know isnt necessary. We have already talked about it, and she tells me not to think about things like that, but I am so scared that I could lose her. If at anytime she doesnt want to kiss me or something, I get worried we are growing apart. Things just dont seem like they used to. She used to be so clingy and cared so much, but now it seems like I'm the clingy one.


I also get jealous way to easily, If I even hear about her talking on the phone with a guy friend I get upset. I know I shouldnt, and I try not to show her that I'm pissed but for some reason I still get angry. I dont even like hearing about other guys shes flirted with before she was with me. I know I shouldnt be like this, but I cant help how I feel.


I know this all sounds stupid. I realize I have made her the center of my life, which isnt healthy. But I cant help it, I love her to death but sometrhing just isnt right with us, and I think its me. I just want to be a good thing for her and I feel like I'm just bringing her down with my negativity.


I dont want to push her away by being to clingy and emotional. I try not to be this way, but I always am.

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Friend, it's ok. You're smart and right that nobody can control their emotions. Emotions just happen, but what you can control are your actions, but when actions are based on emotions sometimes even that's really hard to do!


You see your faults, but just can't seem to do anything about them. Nothing else you can do. Don't be mad at yourself, just try and learn as best you can. One day, you'll be able to control what you do whether it's with this girl, or with someone else. Either way, you'll be ok in the end.

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