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Is she gently letting me down?


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I asked a girl I go to college with "coffee this week?" to which she responded with "sorry, unfortunately I have other lectures after our lecture :/" (we're not on the same year). I didn't say it had to be after our lecture, so is she simply declining?

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Was that your exact phrasing, "do you want to go for coffee this week?" If so, it's probably a polite decline. 

If this is the same girl you've mentioned before, don't feel bad or act any differently. Just keep being polite and try talking to her more when you see her. Maybe if you knew each other better she'd be more open to hanging out down the road. And if not, there's no harm in staying friendly. At least you can say you took the chance.

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Speaking as a woman, if I were into a guy, even if I wasn't available for the day and time he suggested, I'd suggest an alternate date and time when I was free. I wouldn't let a golden opportunity pass me by. She definitely declined because you gave her an entire week to choose from and you see what happened.

Good for you for taking a chance, even if it didn't pan out. It's happened to most of us, including me. Now you can emotionally move on and grow to think of her as just another campus friend.

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7 hours ago, Alokinga said:

so is she simply declining?

Yes, she is. 

I'm sorry. I have never once left an invitation dangling when I liked a guy. I would suggest an alterate date when I was free instead. She didn't do that, so I would leave this one be. 

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