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9 hours ago, itsallgrand said:

I've been trying to find where I can watch the original Twilight Zone here in Canada, but could only find the 80s one and the 2000s one

Pluto TV has episodes available online for free. I'm assuming this will work for you.



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17 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

We're watching right now - most of the day it's been on other than when the game was on...

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16 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

I’ve seen just about all of them. Like a sci-fi version of Twilight Zone 

This episode freaked me out a bit...


They've been experimenting in China with social proofing. Imagine with every decision and action being influenced and validated by the opinions of others.

Of course, it isn't anything new, it has been studied and utilized by marketers and advertisers for years.

But this episode was cray, we see the dangerous consequences of taking it to an extreme. I know we live in a world where social proof really drives our ways of thinking but I didn't realize how scary it would be until I saw this episode.

One of the most toxic things about it is its ability to make us second guess who we truly are and what we truly believe in. We see others posting about what they think and what they do and it subconsciously drives our own opinions.

Being 'influenced' is a very new concept, but look at how much time we spend watching YouTubers, we're so easily impacted that we let others shape who we are.

It's getting rid of critical thought. As Hitler said, "What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.”

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7 minutes ago, yogacat said:

where social media really drives our way of thinking

I think people choose to use social media in various ways and choose how to let it affect them.  I don't think adults who are reasonably stable are sheep. Many times I've experienced social media ads and posts and links attempting to influence me.  I choose how to react, every single time.

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2 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

I think people choose to use social media in various ways and choose how to let it affect them.  I don't think adults who are reasonably stable are sheep.

I know Uber experimented with it.

They give their customers ratings which can affect Uber drivers decision to take on a customer.

I have a 4.95 uber rating, I think it would have been higher but one time I forgoed a seat belt because it was so difficult to put it on in a particular vehicle.

Social proofing is becoming similar to credit ratings.

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7 minutes ago, yogacat said:

I know Uber experimented with it.

They give their customers ratings which can affect Uber drivers decision to take on a customer.

I have a 4.95 uber rating, I think it would have been higher but one time I forgoed a seat belt because it was so difficult to put it on in a particular vehicle.

Social proofing is becoming similar to credit ratings.

Yes that's not what I'm referring to.  I don't blame uber for doing ratings -it's such a hard job.  Also we've used Teen Uber and I'm thankful one of the safeguards is that the drivers all have high ratings.

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13 hours ago, yogacat said:

This episode freaked me out a bit...


They've been experimenting in China with social proofing. Imagine with every decision and action being influenced and validated by the opinions of others.

Of course, it isn't anything new, it has been studied and utilized by marketers and advertisers for years.

But this episode was cray, we see the dangerous consequences of taking it to an extreme. I know we live in a world where social proof really drives our ways of thinking but I didn't realize how scary it would be until I saw this episode.

One of the most toxic things about it is its ability to make us second guess who we truly are and what we truly believe in. We see others posting about what they think and what they do and it subconsciously drives our own opinions.

Being 'influenced' is a very new concept, but look at how much time we spend watching YouTubers, we're so easily impacted that we let others shape who we are.

It's getting rid of critical thought. As Hitler said, "What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.”

Yes, I remember this one distinctly.  Every.single.interaction she had with someone she got a rating.  Then those ratings were used as credits per se when she used other services. 

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7 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Yes, I remember this one distinctly.  Every.single.interaction she had with someone she got a rating.  Then those ratings were used as credits per se when she used other services. 

One of my favorite episodes! 

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20 hours ago, yogacat said:

This episode freaked me out a bit...


They've been experimenting in China with social proofing. Imagine with every decision and action being influenced and validated by the opinions of others.

Of course, it isn't anything new, it has been studied and utilized by marketers and advertisers for years.

But this episode was cray, we see the dangerous consequences of taking it to an extreme. I know we live in a world where social proof really drives our ways of thinking but I didn't realize how scary it would be until I saw this episode.

One of the most toxic things about it is its ability to make us second guess who we truly are and what we truly believe in. We see others posting about what they think and what they do and it subconsciously drives our own opinions.

Being 'influenced' is a very new concept, but look at how much time we spend watching YouTubers, we're so easily impacted that we let others shape who we are.

It's getting rid of critical thought. As Hitler said, "What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.”

It's a topic of particular interest for me. And has been since I was young. I was in love with Russian literature and then went down the Soviet propaganda hole and how thought was policed in such a state. 

History has already shown us the signs but it's amazing how people adapt to changes so quickly to where we miss the signs. 

I honestly believe thought policing and surveiling of our lives in one of the most important issues of our time. We have unprecedented numbers of humans to govern, artifical intelligence in the mix and techniques growing so sophisticated so fast that regular people can in no way keep up to stay truly informed. It's another turning point. 


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On 7/11/2024 at 6:28 PM, yogacat said:

They've been experimenting in China with social proofing. Imagine with every decision and action being influenced and validated by the opinions of others.


You mean what social media is doing right now?

You are already subjected to "canceling" of people because they did something that is not "in tune" with modern sensibilities. Big Hollywood actress went on Twitter and literally "canceled" some 13 year olds who said "N word" on Twitter. Meaning she found them and their parents lost their jobs because of it. So, you are pretty much living that episode right now. Most of "Black Mirror" concepts are dealing with stuff that is happening right now disguised as something that future holds. For example, there are already algorithms who will calculate your matches compatibility ala "Hang The DJ" episode.

There is also great episode of "The Orville"(comedic SciFi show Seth McFarland does) dealing with the same concept. Where they encounter a planet where your actions are counted with likes and dislikes. And enough of that dislikes may get you executed. If you get to a certain dislikes number you get to do "apology tour" to see if people will forgive you and give you "like" to survive. If you fail, well, bye bye. 

On 7/6/2024 at 4:15 PM, itsallgrand said:

I've been trying to find where I can watch the original Twilight Zone here in Canada, but could only find the 80s one and the 2000s one 😞


I "sail the high seas" when I cant find something like that. But from googling, Amazon Prime. Sorry, Paramount+(there are too much of streaming services) but you can buy on Amazon lol

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38 minutes ago, Kwothe28 said:

There is also great episode of "The Orville"(comedic SciFi show Seth McFarland does) dealing with the same concept. Where they encounter a planet where your actions are counted with likes and dislikes. And enough of that dislikes may get you executed. If you get to a certain dislikes number you get to do "apology tour" to see if people will forgive you and give you "like" to survive. If you fail, well, bye bye. 

Scary episode. Though the way they manipulated the rules to get them out of trouble was amusing.


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On 7/11/2024 at 9:33 AM, Batya33 said:

I think people choose to use social media in various ways and choose how to let it affect them.  I don't think adults who are reasonably stable are sheep. Many times I've experienced social media ads and posts and links attempting to influence me.  I choose how to react, every single time.

People do make the choice themselves, but they can be influenced in so many subtle ways that it can be hard to notice. Even the concept of social media is influencing people. Twenty years ago how many people assumed it was completely normal to put photos of yourself where anyone could see them? How many thought you had to be tied to a phone at all hours of the day? How many people went to places just to show off that they had been there. How many people actually took a selfie as opposed to taking photos of loved ones? How many really give a second thought to half the things they do these days. Now we take it for granted that everyone has Instagram, Twitter and all the rest. They do it because "everyone" does it and it's foreign that someone doesn't.

Before I was forced (I miss you 2G) into having a "smartphone," I dealt with someone who couldn't understand that I still used an old phone from 2006. They kept asking Android or iPhone and was puzzeled when I said neither. They had been so accustomed to the idea that you had to have it to survive that the possibility someone would choose to not have it was something they couldn't understand.

Or relationships. So many assume you have to be on dating apps become they constantly hear about it. Truth is, you don't even need to date period to find someone. Few really give a thought to just how much you are influenced by everything you see around. See something enough and you'll believe that is the way it is and has to be. Repeat a lie long enough and people will start to believe it. 

Takes a lot of willpower to question why things are done and really make a choice without being influenced by someone else. But it can be worth it to be the unconventional eccentric that marches to a different drummer.

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2 hours ago, ShySoul said:

akes a lot of willpower to question why things are done and really make a choice without being influenced by someone else. But it can be worth it to be the unconventional eccentric that marches to a different drummer.

I don't mean there is zero influence but for major choices -all mine -career, marriage, motherhood.  Am I influenced to try a new brand of coffee or dessert or food or malkeup by ads -of course! I was all about designer jeans in the 70s and 80s to be like my peers in junior high and high school.

  I don't think it's normal to put photos up in the way certain people do.  I don't/we don't.  I don't care what many assume.  I didn't  get a cell phone for more than 5 minutes until I was about to give birth -in 2009 -and we got smartphones in 2015.  People around me assume that the right way to parent is in a private house in the burbs and your kid is into team sports.  Fine for them.  I am a better parent because I don't try to keep up with the Joneses -as I say to my son "the worst argument you can make to me is I should do X because the other parents are doing it" 

I abhor when people assume that I or anyone gets married because "society expects it" - sure I guess some people do but to assume is silly.  IMO.  I don't need to be deliberately -beat to my own drum -to also be an independent thinker and doer.  

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On 7/13/2024 at 8:18 AM, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Hopefully, they will make another one, but I'm not sure if everyone wants to come back for another one. 

Think they made good views on Netflix so they will probably made another. I dont like sequels of very old movies. They are money- grab and they rarely do it with style. For example, here they literally, spoiler alert, made Axel a very bad father who is estranged from his daughter(explained a bit later why but still). So you could have a forced conflict. He is a hero of the story but you had to make him the bad guy as well? Lots of sequels of older movies do that as well. No respect for previous characters. 

But, besides of that, I thought its was pretty well done. Has that old feeling, all old characters are there(even Serge) and they have formulaic and yet decent story and action. So, kudos to them.

On that note, new and last season of "Cobra Kai" was out today on Netflix. Part 1 ofcourse because they now split popular shows on 2 parts because they want viewership on 2 months, not just on 1. Its a very good testament how you can use old characters and even give more depth to them through screen time. And add new ones that have their own depth. Anybody who liked old karate flicks(especially "Karate Kid" on which show is based on) should watch. 


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2 hours ago, Kwothe28 said:

Think they made good views on Netflix so they will probably made another. I dont like sequels of very old movies. They are money- grab and they rarely do it with style. For example, here they literally, spoiler alert, made Axel a very bad father who is estranged from his daughter(explained a bit later why but still). So you could have a forced conflict. He is a hero of the story but you had to make him the bad guy as well? Lots of sequels of older movies do that as well. No respect for previous characters. 

But, besides of that, I thought its was pretty well done. Has that old feeling, all old characters are there(even Serge) and they have formulaic and yet decent story and action. So, kudos to them.

On that note, new and last season of "Cobra Kai" was out today on Netflix. Part 1 ofcourse because they now split popular shows on 2 parts because they want viewership on 2 months, not just on 1. Its a very good testament how you can use old characters and even give more depth to them through screen time. And add new ones that have their own depth. Anybody who liked old karate flicks(especially "Karate Kid" on which show is based on) should watch. 


I guess it also just goes to show that with all of these sequels and remakes, Hollywood is out of ideas.  Overall, I thought they did a great job with bringing the nostalgia back for the Axel F movie.  Characters and soundtrack.  I’m wondering if the mother of the daughter from this one is the woman from Wonderworld he meets in the third movie.

Yes, I am also excited about the new season of Cobra Kai.  Being a fan of the Karate Kid movies growing up. Agreed on the viewership strategy and it makes sense. 

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On 7/12/2024 at 1:11 PM, ShySoul said:

Scary episode. Though the way they manipulated the rules to get them out of trouble was amusing.


I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I haven’t seen any episodes of the Orville. I know it’s a spoof on Star Trek and Galaxyquest by Seth MacFarlane. 

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2 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I haven’t seen any episodes of the Orville. I know it’s a spoof on Star Trek and Galaxyquest by Seth MacFarlane. 

It's pretty much a Next Generation clone with Seth MacFarlene humor thrown in. I've heard classic Trek fans say it's more Star Trek then the current Trek series.

Season one sets up a lot of stuff that really gets going in season two. Haven't seen the third season yet.

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Haven't seen it myself but a friend recommend this for the Disney fan and child in us all. 

Walt was a real visionary and it's amazing how the spirit of what he built can endure.


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1 hour ago, ShySoul said:

Haven't seen it myself but a friend recommend this for the Disney fan and child in us all. 

Walt was a real visionary and it's amazing how the spirit of what he built can endure.


Loved it!  Angela Bassett did a great job of narration. 

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