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Breakup just feels wrong


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Me and my boyfriend broke up kind of mutually, but i didn't really want to do it. He hadn't been treating me very well near the end and started acting quite angry all the time, and after a talk for him to work on it he didn't so i had to respect myself more and we had a talk and it ended up us breaking up when i hadn't planned for that to happen. It's been a month and i miss him so much, i want to reach out so bad but i don't know if he should be the one to come back first as he is the one that did me wrong. I keep expecting a message from him even after a month and its like torture, i don't know how people get past this!!

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7 minutes ago, happyunny90 said:

 He hadn't been treating me very well near the end and started acting quite angry all the time, and after a talk for him to work on it he didn't so i had to respect myself more and we had a talk and it ended up us breaking up 

Sorry this is happening. How long were you dating? How old is he? What was the breakup about?  Why was he "angry all the time"?

Please trust your instincts that if he was treating you poorly you made the right decision ending it. 

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A month ago you needed to respect yourself more and not accept his anger. Today... you still need to respect yourself more and not accept his anger. You should always respect yourself enough not to stand for being treated poorly. When you care about someone it's not easy to walk away. You miss the person and you start to think it wasn't so bad. But you made that decision for a reason. Remind yourself of all the times he was angry, of the reasons you couldn't put up with it anymore. Unless he has proven to you that he's changed, it's best to not put yourself into the same situation again. And by proven I mean he has made a consistant effort for an extended period of time. One month of not speaking would certainly not qualify as that.

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I think you made it through the hardest parts- the beginning and now the holidays.

He was not being nice to you. you really don't want to go back to that.  Things never get back to that good spot after a break up anyway.  

Do you think its time to meet someone else? 


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