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So me and my ex of one and a half years took a break and this girl in my one of my classes apparently has a crush on me and I can’t figure out whether I like her or I still like my ex cause. It’s just a break and I don’t want her to try to go back and I’m already with someone else. The girl makes me genuinely laugh and smile, and the more I think about it, I don’t think I’m in love with my ex anymore. I’m just scared to ruin the friendship we have because I date someone else while we’re on a break. Also, me and my “ex” are long distance, and I’m scared it’s just not gonna work out. Me and the girl on the other hand go to school together and I’m just concerned that I’m catching feelings while I have a girl ready to get back with me when I tell her I’m ready. 

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18 minutes ago, Anonymous69 said:

,me and my “ex” are long distance, and I’m scared it’s just not gonna work out. Me and the girl on the other hand go to school together and I’m just concerned that I’m catching feelings while I have a girl ready to get back with me when I tell her I’m ready. 

Why are you and your GF taking breaks? Who decided on the break and why? How long have you been long distance? How often do you see each other? Is she away at university? How old is she?

It seems like you are not cut out for long distance or a steady relationship. You seem to be stringing your ex along as a security blanket and backup plan.

Set both yourselves free.  Keep in mind your ex is free to date local guys also, so this "break" isn't doing either of you any good. Your ex may have moved on already because if you're willing to dump her to play the field, she probably already knows the relationship is basically over. 

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"Break" is a very vague term that can mean so many different things to different people. Is it a break-up where you are both free to see other people? Is it a time-out where the relationship isn't as serious but you are still kind of together? Is it just a term thrown out to use because you don't know what you are right now? 

You need to actually work out things with this ex first. Do you want to be with her? Does she want to be with you? Is the long distance issue something one or both of you can't handle or can you work through it? It's not fair to either of you to be stuck in limbo unsure of where you stand. It's also not fair to anyone you would potentially see if there is the spectre of this other realtionship hanging over things. So talk to the ex and make clear exactly where the relationship stands. Be honest about your feelings. I actually think it's very sweet and wonderful that you care about possibly ruining the friendship and don't want to endanger that. That's why I think talking it over will be good for you and the ex. You can make sure that the friendship stays intact while possibly getting some closure you might need to move on. Both of you will feel better once you work things out.

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