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I get mixed signals from my fiancee. One minute I think he wants to be with me but then he will say I've just got to go to the toilet then he makes a coffee or toast and doesn't come back to bed. Or, he wants me when he wants me but if I touch him he will pull my hand away and say I'm too tired or I'll save it for later. I feel rejected and unwanted. I've talked to him about it but he still doesn't get how I feel


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2 minutes ago, Louise said:

, he wants me when he wants me but if I touch him he will pull my hand away and say I'm too tired or 

How long have you been together? How long have you lived together?  How long have there been issues with intimacy? 

How old is he? How is the sex when you do have sex? 

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14 minutes ago, Louise said:

Been together over 12 months he is 70 I am 61 sex is good for him wish I could say the same 

Do you live together? It's possible he's tired or has health issues. Try to  take it personally. You don't seem satisfied with things so perhaps your libidos are not compatible. Perhaps he needs to use medication for erections so sex may be less spontaneous. 

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Sometimes people are embarrassed to bring up sexual problems to a doctor, even if it could possibly help to make things so much better in that area. Perhaps speak to him about if he's ever considered getting medication like Viagra, and listen to what he says.

If he shuts down the conversation, and doesn't care how you're frustrated, perhaps reconsider if this is the man for you.

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