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Need some advice about bf and taking a "break"


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@Bugie78my only advice at this point is proceed with caution.

Like @Batya33I too think it's very strange that, since this so-called break is over, he's made no effort to see/spend time with you in person.  No one is THAT busy, come on.

Just my personal take because I have experience with men like him (my brother also struggles with relationship anxieties), but his (your bf) anxieties and internal "struggles" are far from over.

Taking it one day at a time is great, I do that as well, but have you asked yourself why he's avoiding making a plan to see you?

I'll tell you why, because chatting on text or on phone feels 'safer' to him than spending time in person, including intimate time in person, with a real live human being (you) where emotions and expectations come into play.

I sent you a private message with a book I recommended, do you know how to check private messages?  

I also stand by my original opinion that it's a mistake to listen to all his problems and struggles.  Essentially using you as his emotional sounding board (emotional garbage pail to be more precise) while NOT committing to planning/having a date with you!

Please read the book I recommended in my PM, I'm afraid you have a lot to learn about dealing with men with relationship anxieties and issues with intimacy.

Please be careful and take care of YOU.

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2 hours ago, Bugie78 said:

He didn’t diagnose him as a man. I met the person because they are on good terms and he goes to see him play in his band he has, he goes by him/he pronoun now 😭

Oh I thought it was his personal opinion. Sorry and thanks for clarifying !

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I’m just catching up on this… sorry this happens to you but I think the issue is not the break, but rather how he handles it… I agree with all that’s been said here. 
You proposed the break and he accepted it(??) He doesn’t seems anxious about the idea of loosing you.
He texted you, but did he asked to see you? I mean it was clear that it would last one week, right? You had your Saturday night available for him, but he didn’t ask to see you. So now, here you are wondering whether he will make plans for the next one… didn’t happen yet, and tomorrow is Friday… My take on your situation is that you gave this guy an easy exit and now he will just slow fade. This is so commun, believe me. 

Just for the notice, when you start counting who is reaching out first, like you said 80% him, looking for signs that he actually likes you, the answer usually is: the guy is not that into…

Just let him fade away and consider it’s over… you deserve someone who is ready for you. 

All the best 💫

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