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Girl I like showing more affection recently, friendzone or just going slow?


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This girl pretty sure knows I like her as more than a friend as I made some moves that a friend would never do (it would take some time to type them all lol). Before that, she was acting with me like we are Uni acquaintances, but things have changed. She is showing more affection, more emotions towards me, being more touchy (like touching me when talking, or when explaining something she sometimes grabs my arm strongly). Always holding eye contact when talking, sometimes we can "talk" only with our eyes, like when something happens we just look each other for couple of seconds and without telling anything we know what we mean.

She's been asking for some help recently and I ofc helped her (like holding her bag as it's heavy or dropping her off after classes) and it gives me idea that she is much more comfortable with me now than she used to be before. Telling me some personal stuff she never did, sitting next to me when there are couple more seats free and choosing to sit with me instead of sitting with her friend, standing pretty close to me when talking (like just inches away), asking me for advice what to buy for a birthday present for her brother or which phone should she buy etc. When we say goodbye, her eyes have some warm, sparkly look that she rarely has...

What seems odd is that she sometimes talks with her best girl friends in front of me about how she wants to find a boyfriend as it's been a long time since she had one. It's odd because she knows I like her and why would she tell that while I can hear. She insisted that I go with her and her besties together to classes this Uni year and If we weren't same group for classes, we would see each other maybe like couple times for 5 minutes a week but now we spend like nearly whole day together. My over thinking and my logic says to me that if you don't like someone who showed that he/she likes you, you would try to avoid that person, right?

There are many more signs she showed but I just can't be sure if everything she showed is just friendly or these signs could be signs she likes me more than a friend. Yes, I know I should ask her out and get an answer (I did but it was when she was not in town and I didn't know that, she agreed but we never went on that date as neither of us mentioned it again). I will ask her again, but I just want to get some insight from unbiased side before I do haha. Could this be a introduction to friendzone or she might want to get to know me better first (which she is actually doing with her questions and all) and just go slow before getting into possible relationship? Feel free to be totally honest xD

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I think her talking with her friends in earshot of you is that she is throwing a hint your way.  It is not necessarily so obvious to her how you feel.  Maybe she thinks you should know how she feels.  Please ask her for a date and you will get your definitive answer!

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46 minutes ago, Amaretti said:

 I know I should ask her out and get an answer I did but it was when she was not in town and I didn't know that, she agreed but we never went on that date as neither of us mentioned it again. I will ask her again, 

How old is she?  Do you see each other on campus often or have classes together? 

You mentioned she deflected your offer to go out. All you can do is ask again. If she doesn't respond then let it go. Keep in mind, anything but a "yes" is a "no". 

Also please stay involved in other campus activities groups, clubs, sports and events and keep talking to other girls. 

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She is one year younger than me. We don't have campus as this is in Europe, it's University, we have classes together from like 8AM to 5PM and spend time between classes either in group of friends or just us.

I'm not sure if she deflected as you said, but could be ofc. She was out of town for two weeks and when I did ask her out she texted me something like "Yes, absolutelyyy. But I'm out of town rn for couple of weeks.". I replied to her to get back to me when she is back and free.

But yes, I will ask her out again pretty soon, I'm just trying to convince myself with this post that I'm not crazy and she is showing signs of attraction. Funny thing is I can nearly always see and know when a girl likes some other guy, but when it comes to me I feel like I'm totally blind lol. Thanks for reply btw!

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Have you asked the same question on some now deleted thread? Because story seems the same with one other poster with the same dilema.

And I would tell you what Ive said the other poster: Friendzoned! If she likes you in that way she wouldnt complain to you how she needs to find a boyfriend, she would want you as one. And would never forgot about the date you asked.

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Speaking for myself, if I guy I was interested in asked me out and I was out of town, I'd definitely tell him, "Okay, I'm back now, so how about going to that coffee shop you mentioned."

I don't know her and her personality. Some people are touchy feely with friends of the opposite sex, even if not interested in them romantically. 

Since you sound like you would regret not asking again, do so. Whatever happens, you can then move ahead either with her or without her. Risks should be taken in life, even if what you wished for doesn't happen. When it doesn't happen, it frees up your emotional energy and time to be directed elsewhere.

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3 hours ago, Amaretti said:

 I replied to her to get back to me when she is back and free., I will ask her out again pretty soon, I'm just trying to convince myself with this post that I'm not crazy and she is showing signs of attraction. 

Unfortunately it seems like you're a bit anxious and therefore looking for "signs".  However she never got back to you when she's free.

Ask to get it out of your system because stalling for signs or to work up the courage,may only increase your anxiety. 

Please interact with other women. It's ok to have a crush, but so far it seems you're in the friendzone. 

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