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Overslept and missed taking sister to airport


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I was supposed to take my sister and her family to the airport this morning. I forgot to charge my phone before I fell asleep and I overslept by 30 mins. I missed their calls and texts and they had to drive themselves. They made it in time but I feel so ashamed and embarrassed. My sister is not responding to me right now. I feel awful. I don’t know what to do.

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7 minutes ago, Looktothesky said:

. They made it in time but I feel so ashamed and embarrassed. My sister is not responding to me right now. 

Perhaps wait until they land and settle in and then you can explain and apologize. Perhaps next time don't make promises that are hard to keep so people can make other arrangements in advance? 

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3 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Perhaps wait until they land and settle in and then you can explain and apologize. Perhaps next time don't make promises that are hard to keep so people can make other arrangements in advance? 

That’s why I’m so disappointed in myself because it wasn’t hard to keep at all. I’ve been doing pretty well at getting myself back on track, so when something like this happens it is very frustrating. I just don’t want them to not trust me with their kid or anything because of this.

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My iPhone alarm randomly rings silently, since last update, so I understand that horrible feeling. I don’t trust it anymore, and I’ve gone back to my old fashioned clock.

Once they’ve had time to start enjoying themselves and the tension of travel is behind them, you may want to message and ask them to please consider ways you can make this up to them. And then you can leave it alone and try to relax into the fact that we’re all fallible humans.

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We have all made a terrible mistake like this.  The important thing is that you recognize it, you are taking responsibility for it, and you get that it was your fault.

Your family will come to understand this, once time has passed.

You sound like a good person, so I'm sure you can put yourself in their shoes, in their panic of possibly missing their flight, figuring out if they have enough gas in the car to get to the airport, where to park, all while juggling luggage and carryons etc.

There is really nothing more you can do at this point other than offer your sincerest apology and let them realize that you had no ill intent.

I'm sorry this happened to you.  I once made 20 people wait for me in Monaco to board a pre-planned boat day because my earplugs prevented me from hearing my alarm.  I felt so sheepish all day, as I am that "always early" person.  Eventually, all was forgotten and forgiven.

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I am sure your sister will forgive you. Its not catastrophic mistake since they did made it in time. But you did came out as irresponsible here. So apologize and try to make it up to them somehow. For example pick them up on the way back. Or offer to babysit kids. Or maybe even buy them something nice. 

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You mentioned in another thread you have difficulty concentrating and started seeing a therapist. Has your therapist made any recommendations?

I agree with the others. A sincere, heartfelt apology with an offer to help in some other way (clean their home while they're away? Fill the gas tank in their car?) would probably go a long way. 

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13 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

You mentioned in another thread you have difficulty concentrating and started seeing a therapist. Has your therapist made any recommendations?

I agree with the others. A sincere, heartfelt apology with an offer to help in some other way (clean their home while they're away? Fill the gas tank in their car?) would probably go a long way. 

As far as concentration, not really. Since getting on new medication and regular therapy, I don’t feel like it has been as much of an issue. Although I guess this could be related. I’ve been sick which has taken a lot out of me physically, which I feel like may be more part of it.

Currently getting into the source of why i so easily feel this overwhelming shame and worthlessness in therapy, and I’m finding a lot of it may have to do with my sister specifically, interestingly.

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Cell phone alarms are good back ups but not primary alarms. Get an alarm clock with a battery back up. Start a new habit of always being early. 

Wait till your sister gets to her location. Send her some flowers or a fruit basket with a true apology. Then let it go. 

You can't turn back time. what's done is done. Yes, it was really messed up but all you can do is apologize and hope in time she calms down. A little space from you is needed. 


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