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wont see each other enuff?


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Would you guy go out with a girl/guy if they worked night shifts and you would only get to see them one MAYBE slightly maybe 2 nights a week? they work all week nights and do a course on weekend days....you could get to sped maybe a sunday and monday night with them......but u work monday - friday and no chance seeing em other times..


would u even start a rship with them?


what if u were them, would u want a rship?

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Busy schedules can definetly be worked around if both people in the relationship want to enough, whether it's just for a quick kiss goodnight or five day road trip. It's hard and may cause some friction every now and then, but you never really know how 2 people will handle that type of relationship until you actually try.

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If they were worth it, and they thought I was worth it...then yes. When someone matters, you figure out a way to see them, and contact them when you can't see them. Many people lead busy lives and manage to make time for their significant others regardless....you often end up even busier as you get older, so it is not something that can always be expected to be temporary....


If I knew however I was someone who needed more than two nights in person in order to feel valued, then I would not enter the relationship knowing it would be a future source of friction.

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my boyfriend just broke up with me, but I guess we will be getting back 2gether soon, but hes starting night shift 7 til 7 in the morning and Ill see him maybe 3 days a week too......my answer to this question is Yes...I would stay with him, I mean I care about this guy so much Id rather have him and be able to see him 3 days a week then not have him at all....

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