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HELP Why did he pick me?


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So Hii yall I'm Lucy I'm 17 will be 18 in six months, anyways I'm dating a 20-year-old male.  He's a good boyfriend, charming and sweet and very loving and affectionate. He's talked with my godsister and she approves of him, he's told her he's going to take care of me and protect me so she knows I'm in good hands. He makes me comfortable and he doesn't do anything I don't feel comfortable with he's very protective of me and very caring. He says he loves me and he does show it through his actions when I was going through a rough patch he was super supportive and built me up making me feel like things were going to be okay. He seems to understand me alot esp bc I tend to overthink things. But yesterday I noticed that he liked one of this one really pretty girl on instagram pic, I do follow her too and all but I couldn't help but feel a little bit insecure and jealous and wonder why he picked me? like why I caught his eye? like don't get me wrong he always makes me feel cute and sexy and loves cuddling me nd holding me and all but when he liked her pic it made me feel like i was not pretty enough idk cus i do struggle with body image but what do yall thinkkk please help bc it's making me question why he picked mee 😞 I dont wanna spoil what we have bc i love him so much nd ik he loves me but i cant stop thinking about tht pic he liked 😞 

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At your ages, I'm assuming you'll both be hanging out with people of both genders and liking social media posts of both genders as well.

If looking at what he likes on social media is going to regularly upset you, don't be social media friends with him. Or date a guy who isn't interested in social media at all.

You're going to have to start changing your mindset that any guy is lucky to be with you and paying attention to if he's worthy of you and your precious time. Because when you have a low self-esteem, you will only attract predators and you will accept being treated poorly since you're not caring for yourself as you should.

If he can be pulled away from your company by any other pretty face, let him go. Don't feel like you need to be a spy and/or cling to him like you'll melt into a hopeless puddle if he decides to no longer be in your life. Good riddens if he chooses that path because then you'll be free to eventually meet the right guy who doesn't want to leave.

When you're doing all this worrying, it's preventing you from fully enjoying the present. Worrying is a waste of time. Time will reveal all, and no matter what happens, you'll be strong, be the same wonderful woman you've always been, and move on. Right?

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Yes, how long have you been dating?

As for him 'liking' someone's picture means nothing.  And the worst thing to do now is sacrifice what you've got over a 'like' 😕 .

It's social media, tons of people hang out there.  And if you start getting ancy now over something like this, you're in for a rough go.

So, chill and just be with him.  Enjoy your time with him and let the relationship continue to build .  There's a lot more kinds of 'red flags', you could be concerned over, this isn't one.

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Just because he liked somebody else pic on social media? He liked her photo, doesnt mean he wants to cheat on you. Unless he franticly follows other women, even the ones he doesnt know or even worst, messages them, dont think you have too much to worry about. 

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Here's some insight about guys his age....they are going to look at, fantasize about other girls, pretty much for most of their lives. Guys like variety and lots of women do too. The older you get the less focused you are on the one you are with...well less intensity like of a teenager. But it's true, it doesn't mean they are going to cheat on you or care about you any less. Whatever happens in ones head is no one else's business. It's a hard pill of reality to swallow but it's selfish to think that YOU should be the only one they find attractive/desire/think about. It is what it is. If this is something you can't handle, then you are not ready for adult relaitonships. 

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