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why does he want to fight sooo much!!??


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well, i have been going out with this guy for about a year and a half.. and we constintly fight..ABOUT NOTHING!! though, he takes it to the extreme!! i might get mad at him for at most 2 hours, he gets mad for like 1-2 days!!

and when we do fight he calls me names and ALWAYS tells me "i can't stand you anymore" and "i never wanna see you again".. like you can just imagine things.. he takes eveything ti the extreme!! and i just sit there and hear this out. we usually fight on the phone or on the cpu. it's crazy! and then, in less than a day he calls me back like if nothing happened. for the past couple of months i haven't let these thing upset me..since afterall i haven't done anything. though they still bother me. even though i keep to myself..why does he say all those nastythings to me when we fight? and i try to talk things out with him.. but it's always "him, him him.." and i get no say.. b/c he doesnt understand me. and he seriouly calls me to bitch me out and hang up on me. i don't know why i put up with this stress. please explain to me what to do/say to things like this.. i feel like im on a rollarcoaster ride!

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I think it's time you two took some time away from each other. He obviously is not the best boyfriend for you. He needs to treat you better, and i don't think he will. B/c you have talked to him and he will not listen or change. I think it's time you took a long break from him...b/c he is doing what is called emotional abuse to you and that is not right. Or dump him all together.


You deserve to be treated better than that. When your significant other gets angry he should not call you names and if he does call you names he should apologize.


you deserve sooo much better! I hope you realize this and i hope whatever you choose you will be happy!


if you wish you can add me to any of the lists you use.


Good luck and take care of you!

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You need to talk to him while you are NOT fighting. Tell him how it makes you feel when he does that. Try to make him understand it. And if that doesn't work, do to him what he does to you. Just one day explode at him about it. He needs to know that he can't keep walking all over you like that. It isn't right and it isn't fair.

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Ok, I feel like you are talking about my ex boyfriend.......Key word EX BOYFRIEND...He is emotionally abusing you and you don't deserve that.

I was alittle different in my relationship though, I put up with it for awhile and then fought back and made fights worse and worse. I don't know how long you have been with this guy but I was with my ex for 3 longggggg years and I am emotionally destroyed by all this now. My advice to you is get rid of him. If you can't do that....talk to him try to make him understand what he is doing to you. I did that and it worked for awhile but, things went back to "normal" again after some time. If you talk to him and he does not change please leave him. This is really unhealty for you. If you need anyone to talk to about this PM me.

Good Luck

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