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I (34F) am dealing with jealousy over my bf's(32M) treatment of his best friend.

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TLDR at the bottom of this novella.


We've been officially dating for six months. We've known each other as acquaintances for two years prior to that. I've always heard what a great guy he is. How he is super loyal, would never cheat, would do anything for his friends and family, etc. I met him through my longtime friend's now husband while they were dating and I was living with her.

He would pop over and we would eat pizza, drink, sit around and laugh, have bonfires, or watch tv. I thought he was funny but he seemed to be a little flaky. I learned when we started dating that he's diagnosed with ADHD but he's medicated. After we had been dating a while I suggested therapy too and he just had his first appointment a week ago.

I was already going to therapy. My main reason for suggesting therapy to him is that it would be better for both of us if we had a mutual language to discuss these things and for me not to have to play his therapist too. He said he wants to get married, so if we're going to be serious then we should take our relationship seriously.

He's been the best boyfriend I've ever had. We have open and constructive conversations. Sex is good. He has never torn me down about my feelings or aspirations. He's always supportive. He goes out of his way for me and gets along well with my family. I get along pretty well with his family too. All of his friends like me, some more than others. I'm always invited to whatever event he's at unless it's a guys' thing. He maintains open communication throughout the day and we have a ton of fun together. He's taken me on a very nice vacation so far and helps me fix my car. He's affectionate in public and tells everyone about me with pride. All of his friends were excited for us to get together. He doesn't hang out with his female friends alone, I'm always invited or it's mixed company and I know about it. He's not texting anyone at odd hours and there's no general shady behavior, that I know of until recently. See below.

How it started:

One of the first times we hung out knowing we both wanted to date was at a Halloween party that his friends threw. He lives with a few of them and two of them, his best female friend, Amy, and her husband Ken live next door. They are all very social and most of them have known each other since high school.

During the party when he wasn't seeking me out to flirt he was seeking out Amy. He said she was his best friend. She dressed as Michael Meyers and walked around the whole night with a fake knife stalking people silently and then irish goobyed. I loved it! It did feel weird that when he wasn't talking to me he was primarily seeking her out. I just noted it and told myself, oh good. A guy who actually likes women.

Fast forward to us dating and going over to each other's houses a couple of times a week. One night, he texts me that he HAVE to go to Amy's farewell party at a brewery she had worked at for the past three years in marketing and distribution. Apparently, it was a big deal to the group, because they would go there often for trivia or other events. Amy and Ken had their wedding party there.

I felt kind of rushed or pushed into the situation. I wasn't in the most social mood after a long day at work and I anticipated us staying in. But I rallied for it and could have used a drink so I came with. When we got there I sat at the table where his friends were already drinking. They were segregated into the original group of friends on one end of the table and her work friends on the other.

I still didn't know his friends that well and the only place to sit was between the two. Amy was primarily with her work friends. I felt a little awkward because I didn't know the best place to break in and I didn't know we would be so confined. Meanwhile, my bf gets up and leaves me sitting awkwardly to go over to Amy. He gets on bended knee and puts her hand in his. He begins to tell her she is a beautiful goddess and she deserves everything in the world and he loves her very much.

Her husband is next to me, drunk, and fully engrossed in another conversation. I was confused and noticed some feelings popping up for me that were uncomfortable. I rationalized to myself that this is a good thing. That he appreciates women platonically and has strong female friendships.

Afterward, we are walking to our cars and Amy puts her arm around me and is chatting to me. I'm enjoying our conversation when she tells me she and my bf used to be best friends. They would hang out all the time and play video games and go shopping. Then Ken came into the picture and they got married. It struck me as odd that my bf never mentioned that part. I started to wonder what else was unspoken.

A few weeks later I was invited to another group hang out at the house. Potluck style. Amy is there and as soon as she shows up I feel forgotten. My bf seems really concerned with making sure she has everything she needs. To the point that he asks everyone if they need a drink and she says no. He gets all his buds and me a drink then asks her again. She says she's not drinking. We sit and chat for a while and he sits by me facing her and away from me. Eventually, my drink runs low and I'm trying to get a word in edgewise when he asks her again if he can grab her a beer or something. She said again that she was good. I had to pipe up and tell him I needed another drink. This one really set me off.

Later I spoke to my therapist about it and she encouraged me to tell him how I felt about it. I wrote it all down because it was too upsetting to just say. Something I'm working on in therapy. He read the whole thing. I told him I was worried that I would scare him away with my feelings and he said he wanted to read all of my letters and know all of my feelings. He also said he didn't see her as anything other than a friend and he's never gotten complaints like this before. He said he sees her as a best friend, one of the guys but he can talk about hair care with her. She's not his type and he's never been attracted to her. They've never slept together. He doesn't remember acting any differently around her.

He said he's a bad boyfriend sometimes when he's around his friends because he gets caught in the moment. He also said he's afraid that he'll say something stupid that will make me angry but that he's worried he can't learn to stop saying things impulsively. These are the complaints he's heard before. This is part of why I suggested therapy.

Fast forward, we're laying around making plans and I say I want to get Korean BBQ and have a drink on the patio in the sun. He says ok great! We get to the living room and Amy and Ken are chilling on the couch so we stop there and he talks to them for about 30 minutes. I was getting kind of antsy and wanted to continue our plans so I mentioned something. Amy pipes up and tells us we should go to the place the group always goes because there is a bbq place next door. My bf says ok! We'll do that. Didn't ask me. Didn't even look at me. Amy and Ken say they will be there later that night and the next day for the group get-together.

I say we'll we'd better get going because I don't want to make a big deal. He starts to pout and in a whiny voice says, "Aw man. Ok." I said, "Would you rather stay here with your friends baby?" He said, "Is that an option?" I said, "Absolutely not." At this point I feel blatantly disrespected and like there is a pattern of behavior that is disrespectful to me and my place in his life.

I cannot help but feel like he puts her on a pedestal and values her opinion over mine. I feel like one day it will come down to my needs being neglected for him to meet hers. I already feel like he isn't carrying himself like he's taken when it matters.

How it's going:

On top of this issue, I've been struggling to trust him in general.

Recently we were at a brewery for another friend's birthday (Amy and Ken) were not there. We were having a good time until later in the night my bf turns to me and says, "Look at my friend, Stacy, being a sexy goddess at the bar." That icked me out. Stacy is his roommate's gf and he just felt the need to randomly tell me how sexy she is. She pretty much lives with him.

I brought it up the next day and he looked shocked. He immediately apologized and said he isn't sure why he would say that to me. He just wasn't thinking. I told him I would never point out a random man, much less one of our friends, and tell him they are hot. It's ok to find other people attractive. I'd worry if he didn't. It doesn't need to be brought up unless it's relevant to the conversation or I ask.

A week or so later he goes to a bachelor party for a friend from another group. I wonder why he didn't bring up the strip club issue but decided maybe they weren't planning on it so I didn't want to broach the subject. Then that night I get a text at 10:30pm asking if it's cool with me if he goes to the strip club with his friends. I was annoyed that he asked so late and from a text. I decided to shrug it off as adhd and set some boundaries. I told him no touching. He says ok, that he's already told a stripper about me. That pissed me off because it means he wasn't waiting on my reply. I asked later if I hadn't responded what he would have done. He said he would have hung back with his two friends who didn't go.

Then at the wedding, his friend lets it slip that they all got lap dances, not just the groom. I confronted him after the ceremony and he felt very bad. Especially because earlier after their trip and before the wedding I mentioned that lap dances count as touching and that would be cheating. At which point he was silent. I asked him how many he got and he said they went each night, so three. I asked if there were any nipples in mouths and he said no, there were only boobs being rubbed on his face.

A month later we're having Amy's birthday party at his house. One of their older friends came into town as a surprise. The only thing I've heard about this friend is that she had a notorious nickname that had to do with her sleeping with everyone in the group, except him, he says. Lol, I don't believe that but I can give him a mulligan on that one. But that very night, this girl is sitting in a chair leaning against the wall. He sits in the chair next to her and right in front of me puts his hand on her bare knee, leaves it there while he leans over her to tell her something in her ear. She sees me looking and looks concerned. He acts like everything is normal. I brushed it off and told her her top was really cute. He chimes in, oh yeah she's really good at that! I told him the next day how uncomfortable seeing him touching her and leaning over her made me feel and how it was basically flirting.

I just don't know what to make of any of this. I don't think he has any bad intentions. Ken said he could lift Thor's hammer and that he was a good one and I shouldn't hurt him or I'd have him to contend with. Ken also told me I was hot like his wife, Amy, and reminded him of her. My bf has also stressed that she and I have a lot in common and should get to know each other. He's not made any effort to plan any more double dates with them. But he does often bring up if I do something similar to her.

He also gets gooey every time he sees a beer from the brewery she used to work at. He'll say, "Aaaww a ___ beer!" Which gets under my skin probably because I'm overreacting now because I feel some type of way. Amy told me that she sees him as a brother previously. But at her recent bday party, I came to stand next to my bf while she was going on to her other friends about how he's her bestie... when I look at her she stammered a bit and said, well not anymore! But he's family and I see him like my brother! I wish my bf would say he sees her more like a sister.

I have no problem with any of his friends. I like them all and was kind of hoping I had found a new friend group. I just don't feel like he's treating me with the respect I require in a relationship and I'm not sure if it's fixable, a me issue, or that we're just incompatible.


My bf focuses on his female best friend to the point I feel ignored and maybe even low key compared to her. He's also done some things recently that have weakened my trust, like openly flirt with his friend in front of me and lie about getting lapdances at a bachelor party.

I have no problem with any of his friends. I like them all and was kind of hoping I had found a new friend group. They all really seem to like me too. I just don't feel like he's treating me with the respect I require in a relationship and I'm not sure if it's fixable, a me issue, or that we're just incompatible.

This seems disrespectful and I feel distrustful but I could be projecting my own insecurities and being jealous.

Any advice on navigating this complicated situation is appreciated.

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You need to dump him.  My husband doesn't act the way your boyfriend does.  You need to be with an honorable,  very moral,  loyal and devoted man who knows how to behave out of respect for you and himself. 

Also, with his ADHD,  he is scatterbrained and can't think clearly as you do.  He thoughts,  excuses and reasoning or lack thereof are all over the place.  Accept and tolerate his ways or don't be with him.  It's your choice. 


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It sounds like you need to address the boundaries with his female friends and come up with a compromise. But keep in mind that they are his friends, and he may not see the problems you see the same way. He may have some impulse control issues that you think are being disrespectful that he and his friends think are normal.

When he makes the compliments of his female friends, it could be in a "you go girl" kind of way rather than him eyeing them up as a competitor to you.

In all of this only the strip club is a bit of a red flag. Though it's more of a question of the two of you not communicating earlier, as in when he left for the bachelor party (even if the strip club wasn't mentioned).

Being 6 months in you two are still working on boundaries and what is or isn't acceptable. You are encountering new hurdles, so if everything else is positive in your relationship, don't pick how he treats his friends (without a solution based conversation) as the hill to stake your relationship upon.


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2 minutes ago, Coily said:

It sounds like you need to address the boundaries with his female friends and come up with a compromise. But keep in mind that they are his friends, and he may not see the problems you see the same way. He may have some impulse control issues that you think are being disrespectful that he and his friends think are normal.

When he makes the compliments of his female friends, it could be in a "you go girl" kind of way rather than him eyeing them up as a competitor to you.

In all of this only the strip club is a bit of a red flag. Though it's more of a question of the two of you not communicating earlier, as in when he left for the bachelor party (even if the strip club wasn't mentioned).

Being 6 months in you two are still working on boundaries and what is or isn't acceptable. You are encountering new hurdles, so if everything else is positive in your relationship, don't pick how he treats his friends (without a solution based conversation) as the hill to stake your relationship upon.


That's my biggest concern is that it's impulse control and he has the impulse to touch other women and put other women before me. I don't know how to have a productive conversation about that. Where would you start?

He's a you go girl kinda guy but he reserved the bended knee and undivided attention for one girl and that isn't me. I don't feel that way with any of this other friends of family, female or otherwise. I don't think it would bother me if he was just a hype man.

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1 minute ago, carrotandstick said:

That's my biggest concern is that it's impulse control and he has the impulse to touch other women and put other women before me. I don't know how to have a productive conversation about that. Where would you start?

He's a you go girl kinda guy but he reserved the bended knee and undivided attention for one girl and that isn't me. I don't feel that way with any of this other friends of family, female or otherwise. I don't think it would bother me if he was just a hype man.

Be prepared because you can't change a man.  He is who he is.  Either accept him as is or get a replacement someday.  You can't control,  force nor expect him to behave how you want him to behave.  He could temporarily and briefly be on his best behavior in your presence or if you look over his shoulder but you have no control how he acts when your back is turned.  It's sad actually.  He will do as he will and there's nothing you can do about it.  "A leopard cannot change its spots."   Tolerate and accept his defective character or dissolve and exit the relationship. 

You can't love anyone whom you don't trust with your heart and soul.  

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I know this story...maybe posted on another site? Look he has ADHD, and all his actions directly point to his disability. He's like that because it's habit, she and his friends are familiar, you are not yet. This is going to take time. I believe him in what he says about her that he has no romantic interest in her but...his action towards her is perceived by you as attraction because of his focus on her, but it's not that at all. It's how his brain works. He's different. And you having anxiety about things like that, is a struggle to actually see it for what it truly is. Telling him how it makes you feel should give him some kind of direction but a change in his behavior will be challenging. It may not change all that much even with drugs and counseling. So if he does try and it doesn't do much, what then? Where do you go from there? Acceptance. 

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42 minutes ago, carrotandstick said:

We've been officially dating for six months.. I learned when we started dating that he's diagnosed with ADHD but he's medicated. After we had been dating a while I suggested therapy too . I decided to shrug it off as adhd 

6 mos is a good time to observe compatibilities. Step back. Try to observe rather than fix or mother him.

Please try not to see everything through the lens of ADHD. This obscures your objectivity by ascribing too many things to it. 

He seems very extroverted and social, which is fine, but you two need to focus on some quality time together.

He lives with roommates? Unfortunately he seems too immature for you at this time. Almost frat boy like. That has nothing to do with ADHD or therapy, nor does being a bad little boy at the strip club.

Please slow down on the marriage talk. Do both of you work? Are both of you roughly equal as far as education and socioeconomic situations?  

Step away from feeling dismissed and jealous.  This isn't about you or any threats, he's just rude and rough around the edges. Does he tend to drink a lot when he's out with friends? 

Even though there's nothing to worry about as far as his married friends, he does act like a college kid more than a grown man as far as socializing with social skills.

But you knew that from when he would tag along and hang out with your roommate. Take a deep breath and reflect on things. Make sure you don't feel like you're babysitting.

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4 minutes ago, carrotandstick said:

That's my biggest concern is that it's impulse control and he has the impulse to touch other women and put other women before me. I don't know how to have a productive conversation about that. Where would you start?

He's a you go girl kinda guy but he reserved the bended knee and undivided attention for one girl and that isn't me. I don't feel that way with any of this other friends of family, female or otherwise. I don't think it would bother me if he was just a hype man.

The first thing is to make him aware of what he's doing and how you feel about it. If he is considerate of you as the earlier part of your post describes, I think that will be a big flashing light in the back of his head. Now I will say have that conversation outside of when you are reacting to an immediate situation, when you are calm and collected; also in mind to listen to his explanation.

The other thing is you need to keep in mind is how long some of these women he has had  friendships with. When you talk with him, leave room for him to reflect on that. He may go overboard with them in this bent knee manner as some inside thing, so mention it not as a deal breaker but as how awkward it is.

With this "Amy" is she moving out of town for a new job? Just trying to think if there is something where he wants to make a bigger connection that may have to last for a while.

People can and do change, happens everyday; they have to want to make that change and getting harangued or treated like a whipped dog on a leash to keep the "very loyal" isn't the solution. One other thought is don't give him an ultimatum, as he will resent making changes and you won't be satisfied with the minimal effort.


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Agree with Coily and the others. How often does he drink to excess?  He seems quite focused on alcohol. Are you also ? For me personally his objectifying and ogling other women would not work for me at all. It’s inappropriate and tacky. IMO. 

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1 hour ago, carrotandstick said:

Then at the wedding, his friend lets it slip that they all got lap dances, not just the groom. I confronted him after the ceremony and he felt very bad. Especially because earlier after their trip and before the wedding I mentioned that lap dances count as touching and that would be cheating.

It's a strip bar, so not sure how that'd be seen as cheating?  Is just an 'act' at this place.

IMO, he seems to lack proper, respectful boundaries.  Instead, he blurts out whatever's on his mind, instead of keeping it to himself, so then YOU know everything 😕 .  Yeah, some people are like this. ( when the rest of us can 'think', oh, he's hot - but not say it, lol).


1 hour ago, carrotandstick said:

this girl is sitting in a chair leaning against the wall. He sits in the chair next to her and right in front of me puts his hand on her bare knee, leaves it there while he leans over her to tell her something in her ear.

I'm wondering if this gal came to feel a little overwhelmed & awkward, because I wouldn't like to have some guy come over & touch me like that! So, I find that a little too much.  Like he has no respect for one's 'personal space'. 😕 .


I don't know if this guy is for you.  you've been involved 6 mos and I think over this time, you've come to see his true behaviour and it's unsettling.


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42 minutes ago, Coily said:

The first thing is to make him aware of what he's doing and how you feel about it. If he is considerate of you as the earlier part of your post describes, I think that will be a big flashing light in the back of his head. Now I will say have that conversation outside of when you are reacting to an immediate situation, when you are calm and collected; also in mind to listen to his explanation.

The other thing is you need to keep in mind is how long some of these women he has had  friendships with. When you talk with him, leave room for him to reflect on that. He may go overboard with them in this bent knee manner as some inside thing, so mention it not as a deal breaker but as how awkward it is.

With this "Amy" is she moving out of town for a new job? Just trying to think if there is something where he wants to make a bigger connection that may have to last for a while.

People can and do change, happens everyday; they have to want to make that change and getting harangued or treated like a whipped dog on a leash to keep the "very loyal" isn't the solution. One other thought is don't give him an ultimatum, as he will resent making changes and you won't be satisfied with the minimal effort.


He did mention that if he got a house he would like to be neighbors with them, Ken and Amy. That for him would be ideal. She's not going anywhere. 

I told him it was embarrassing, showed lack of consideration, and made me feel like less of a priority. I focused on how it made me feel. I didn't even suggest a solution except for me to mention it as soon as it bothers me next time something happens.

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33 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

Agree with Coily and the others. How often does he drink to excess?  He seems quite focused on alcohol. Are you also ? For me personally his objectifying and ogling other women would not work for me at all. It’s inappropriate and tacky. IMO. 

I think drinking is the main culprit. I've actually planned on bringing it up soon. I'll have a drink socially. But to me this seems like a drinking problem.

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1 hour ago, smackie9 said:

I know this story...maybe posted on another site? Look he has ADHD, and all his actions directly point to his disability. He's like that because it's habit, she and his friends are familiar, you are not yet. This is going to take time. I believe him in what he says about her that he has no romantic interest in her but...his action towards her is perceived by you as attraction because of his focus on her, but it's not that at all. It's how his brain works. He's different. And you having anxiety about things like that, is a struggle to actually see it for what it truly is. Telling him how it makes you feel should give him some kind of direction but a change in his behavior will be challenging. It may not change all that much even with drugs and counseling. So if he does try and it doesn't do much, what then? Where do you go from there? Acceptance. 

Or I could remove myself from a situation that is causing me suffering. 

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9 minutes ago, carrotandstick said:

I think drinking is the main culprit. I've actually planned on bringing it up soon. I could remove myself from a situation that is causing me suffering. 

Definitely reflect if this is a viable situation for you and if cutting your losses will bring you more peace than dealing with his immaturity and drinking. Especially, after just 24 weeks dating if you need "therapy language" to try to communicate. 

Unfortunately you can't fix or change him and you're seeing sides of him that you're right to pay attention to. Make sure you are not a "fixer" .

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1 hour ago, Coily said:

It sounds like you need to address the boundaries with his female friends and come up with a compromise. But keep in mind that they are his friends, and he may not see the problems you see the same way. He may have some impulse control issues that you think are being disrespectful that he and his friends think are normal.

When he makes the compliments of his female friends, it could be in a "you go girl" kind of way rather than him eyeing them up as a competitor to you.

In all of this only the strip club is a bit of a red flag. Though it's more of a question of the two of you not communicating earlier, as in when he left for the bachelor party (even if the strip club wasn't mentioned).

Being 6 months in you two are still working on boundaries and what is or isn't acceptable. You are encountering new hurdles, so if everything else is positive in your relationship, don't pick how he treats his friends (without a solution based conversation) as the hill to stake your relationship upon.


I think you can stake your relationship on anything that causes you distress. How someone treats others is an important part of compatibility. It might just be that we aren't compatible. It doesn't makes sense. This is like some guy grabbing women's asses and saying he can't help it. I don't understand... He doesn't make those comments around his family and certain company. So why would he forget around me? That tells me he doesn't respect me the way he should. I want to be sympathetic to his symptoms because I also struggle with ADHD with the added fun of being on the spectrum. But this seems more like a lack of accountability and maturity. He's never been with anyone who was open to communication and not emotionally abusive. This is a first for both of us. I'm trying to protect myself not vilify him. 

We discussed boundaries right after I gave him that letter. Then all of this other stuff happened. I've confronted him about almost all of it and discussed boundaries and steps forward each time. I told him when he put his hand on his friends knee and he couldn't remember that I will bring it to his attention immediately next time and that we should identify what lead up to that happening and then he can discuss with his therapist. I think I already know the leading cause is drinking too much.

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1 hour ago, smackie9 said:

I know this story...maybe posted on another site? Look he has ADHD, and all his actions directly point to his disability. He's like that because it's habit, she and his friends are familiar, you are not yet. This is going to take time. I believe him in what he says about her that he has no romantic interest in her but...his action towards her is perceived by you as attraction because of his focus on her, but it's not that at all. It's how his brain works. He's different. And you having anxiety about things like that, is a struggle to actually see it for what it truly is. Telling him how it makes you feel should give him some kind of direction but a change in his behavior will be challenging. It may not change all that much even with drugs and counseling. So if he does try and it doesn't do much, what then? Where do you go from there? Acceptance. 

I want you to be right but I have a hard time putting all of this on ADHD and letting go of being number one in my primary partner's life in my monogamous relationship. That's a deal breaker for me. Especially with my past experience. I can have compassion for him but I'm not sticking around to martyr myself in the name of acceptance.

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2 minutes ago, carrotandstick said:

. we should identify what lead up to that happening and then he can discuss with his therapist. I think I already know the leading cause is drinking too much.

Whether it's ADHD, or drinking or immaturity or all of the above. Keep the focus on you and your happiness. Reflect rather on why you want to fix, change and mother him. See if this helps:


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49 minutes ago, carrotandstick said:

I want you to be right but I have a hard time putting all of this on ADHD and letting go of being number one in my primary partner's life in my monogamous relationship. That's a deal breaker for me. Especially with my past experience. I can have compassion for him but I'm not sticking around to martyr myself in the name of acceptance.

I never said you had to stick around. If you wanted to, acceptance might be your only answer is my advice. Me personally wouldn't date anyone that gave me that kind of anxiety. BUT So many OPs refuse to hear advice to end the relationship so I just leave it up to you/them to come to that conclusion. 

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2 hours ago, carrotandstick said:

I told him when he put his hand on his friends knee and he couldn't remember that I will bring it to his attention immediately next time and that we should identify what lead up to that happening and then he can discuss with his therapist. I think I already know the leading cause is drinking too much.

Do you really want to be in this role of having to monitor, remind him and analyze why he acted inappropriately?And why he claims he can't remember -he chooses to drink, he chooses the consequences.

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3 hours ago, carrotandstick said:

Especially because earlier after their trip and before the wedding I mentioned that lap dances count as touching and that would be cheating.

So basically in your opinion he's a cheater. Since you didn't immediately break up with him after you found out, he sees you let it slide and it's not a dealbreaker.

Know your standards and stick to them. He knew you thought strongly about strippers not touching him, and he took the risk, knowing he could lose you. He chose gratification with a stranger over a longterm girlfriend. 

Yeah, it would sicken me if my partner did the same, and it would be a dealbreaker to me. I kind of laughed at my husband's more than necessary boundaries when at Costco, a lady selling cologne or perfume put some on her wrist and held it out to my husband and he thought it inappropriate if he were to sniff her wrist, and didn't.

Hold out for a man who matches your boundaries and makes you feel like a priority. And I did have a female co-worker who had a guy best friend. It was the case that the guy had wanted to date her, but she wasn't 100 percent attracted to his looks. They kissed once, but she wasn't feeling it. They both got with various partner, always staying friends. There is a chance your bf is lying and he did and does have a crush on his bestie, but she wasn't into him that way. And him calling her and his roommates gf goddesses isn't a platonic love of women friends. He is definitely noting that their gender really sticks out in his mind in more of a sexual way, with the way he speaks and acts.

I think you're worthy of better.

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7 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

Unfortunately he seems too immature for you at this time. Almost frat boy like. That has nothing to do with ADHD or therapy,

My thoughts exactly. 

You lead with paragraphs of praise for this guy, OP, but then write an essay on all the ways you feel devalued and under-appreciated. You need to start getting real with yourself about how this relationship is really going. It's not great. 

He's too immature for you.  In time, I think you will see that this relationship is not going to work for a whole slew of reasons. ADHD is not the main problem. His attraction to other women, partying and being a general clown is. 

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