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At what age did you learn to read ?


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I was reading books at age four. I have two older brothers who were reading and they motivated me to learn to read. This instilled in me a lifelong love of reading. I majored in English in college (non-fiction and technical writing and literature). 

There's a photo of me at age three sitting on my potty chair with an open book in my hands 😄

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Five or six, although I would bug my mother to read to me constantly. Once I started, I would devour every book I could.

As much as I loved reading, first love was numbers. According to my mom, my first word was two. She wasn't surprised I went into accounting. 😄


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I was 3 and in part I was that young because my older sister taught me.  When I was 4 we wrote a book together - she wrote the words out -I think we both agreed on those -and she let me illustrate LOL.  I was a total bookworm and I still am.

I started reading to my son when he was 5 days old.  We stopped reading together a few years ago in part because now I go to sleep before he does! He's 15. I think he likes math and numbers more than reading but he does like reading.  He learned to read at around 3-4.  We used to watch wheel of fortune so before he could read he'd shout out "give me a T!" "give me an A"!! LOL.

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