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My crazy friend group


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ok so basically my best friend (i won't give their real names so i call them by fake names) Maria was my bestie fro 2 years and then this year she added a new friend to the group we'll call her callie and i wasn't mad that callie was in our friend group she actually seemed really cool, but over the next few months she started talking to me less and then there was an incident during a sport and my entire friend group cut me off, there were times where they would start talkign to me again and then stop and i guess i was ok with that.  So fastforward 2 months later, maria has a new bestie named aly and they are really close and maria thinks callie is jealous when in reality she isn't so then maria and callie start having fights and maria is posting stuff about callie on tiktok and callie is posting stuff abotu maria on snapchat and they are both talking about each other and im in the middle so now me and callie are really close and then callie's mom comes into it and makes callie and maria go to the office and talk it out and nwo maria and callie are besties again even though callie said she didn't want to be friends with her anymore and now they are all ignoring me and talkign about me behind my back and i don't know what to do or who to go to. we only have one week left of school.

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1 hour ago, Madluvsu said:

 they are all ignoring me and talkign about me behind my back and i don't know what to do or who to go to. we only have one week left of school.

They don't seem like great friends. Delete and block them and all their people from ALL your social media and messaging apps. At least they can post rubbish about you on social media. If you are being bullied talk to a trusted adult. Teacher, relative,etc.

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It's normal at your age for some friends to fade away, and for immature bickering to be happening, etc. Now that they are not good people to be hanging out with, start thinking about some activities/clubs/volunteer work you can do for the summer, where you can meet some new buddies. Volunteer work is often required by schools before you can graduate, so it'd be good to get some hours under your belt. Even if it's not required, it'd be good to place on your resume when applying for jobs in the future. Zoos are a fun place to volunteer at. Take care.

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