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I don't even know where to begin with this but almost a month ago I was trying to pay a bill on Tmobil and it wouldn't load . I went on my husband's laptop have his pasword he has mine and goes on it likrs it cause it has touch screen , Anyway he forgets all the time and leaves his email open and other pages and minimises them well I don't know what I did but while on T-Mobile I must have rolled over his yahoo it popped up on his email sent folder and was on a sent email from his phone and it was on the picture and it popped saying veiw but was small but I could see it was a picture of boobs so I was like what the hell so there were like ten in a row naked boobs ass pictures of her face and from belly down fully nude so now I'm like who is this so I'm stupid cause I should have looked more but I didn't so I'm upstairs he's down stairs so I try to find her on his Facebook but couldn't but she was I just didn't see her so I text him and say if you don't want to be here then tell me now he says no everything is good .

now that's what I thought we were doing more things concerts weekend trips away watching our first Grand baby so I text him who's this and send the pictures he says I use to work with her im like that's nice he says I swear nothing happened ever I have had never had an affair no physical contact at all and swears on my grandson so I go down to talk to him and I'm so upset im like why and how do you have her pictures he says that her  ex gave them to a mutal friend and sent them to me im like *** so im like let me see your phone after I asked if they were friends on Facebook he says ya but thought I knew that and who she was . He wouldn't give me his phone till two days later he deleted everything and said he blocked everyone involved so I couldn't message them and I asked dud you warn them he says not her but person who sent them so he says he never goes on Instagram I found her on his Instagram so he says he helped her with HR stuff cause she heard he use to be in HR so says worked with her 2007 he thinks for about 3 years felt bad for her single mom and by use to beat her and she would try to hide it with sunglasses .

so I ask why did you even look at them and im not stupid you telling me they sent them on messenger through Facebook you didn't delete them you kept sending them to your email from your phone and they go back over a year he like no no im like yes I saw the dates so I said she should know her ex is doing this he says no there could be repercussions I'm like what if that was your daughter I would kill them but would be more mad at the guy that sent them I ask do you think your a good guy a decent guy he says yes im like we'll a good decent guy wouldn't have done that all he keeps saying is I was curious it's not a big it's just pictures im like personal pictures of a woman you know and worked with so after  crying for a week and still very upset about it he says forgive but never forget move on im like you can't have it both ways forgive and never forget but don't think about it mention it I told him I feel ugly fat and it's cause of him he says you shouldn't I love only you I love your body and your beautiful well why dud you do it then you should have to the guy who sent them not cool and told her what he was doing so I ask where you attracted to her he says no I think she's pretty so every pretty woman you know you want to see naked and im not trying to be mean but we are both 55 very limited sex life he has issues with let's just say his manly parts but not when he worked with her I really don't know what yo do it's very hard to just forget it all and I been having good days and days I just cry all day I really don't know what to do .

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4 hours ago, kelly68hg said:

 we are both 55 very limited sex life he has issues with let's just say his manly parts 

Unfortunately you seem to have issues with intimacy and trust.  Does your husband have physical or mental health problems? How long has ED been an issue? Does he drink heavily, smoke or have other bad habits? 

The best thing you can do is see a physician for an evaluation of your physical and mental health. Get some tests done. If you suspect infidelity, ask for STD testing.  Ask for a referral to a qualified therapist for ongoing support. 

Your marriage is in peril, not only because of pics you found but because finding them unearthed  a  volcano of marital dissatisfaction.

After speaking privately and confidentiality with a therapist to unpack and sort some of this out, ask the therapist for a referral to a marriage counselor. 

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Secrets have a way of coming out, and I believe guardian angels make sure of that, so you can do what's best for yourself.

I'm sorry you've been betrayed by a man who made vows to you. You will go through all the mourning all breakups involve, but with self-care, be able to heal and move on. 

It's never too late to begin a new chapter of your life. It's hard to presently think you will ever be happy again, but many people end up being surprised at how much better their lives are when they ditch a toxic past. It frees them to eventually live the life they deserve. After my first marriage ended, I wound up living the second half of my life much happier than when I was with the wrong partner. Take care.

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This doesn't sound right. Why were there pictures of boobs in his sent folder?  If she sent them to him then they would be in his inbox or deleted folder.  Unless he sent boob pics to her...

 You seemed to "accidentally" scrolled in a very precise way.

 Also you text him this: I text him and say if you don't want to be here then tell me now he says no everything is good  when he was downstairs? Why not speak to him in person for such an important issue?  AND he didn't even ask why you would make that statement???

This all sounds fishy


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11 hours ago, Andrina said:

Secrets have a way of coming out, and I believe guardian angels make sure of that

I've heard of affairs lasting 30 years or more before the truth comes out.

Some of those guardian angels need to be given their pink slips.

They're spending way too much time in the break room.

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A former friend of mine hid the fact that the child her husband thought was theirs together was actually the result of an affair. This info didn't come out until the child was 12 years old.

Never underestimate some people's ability to keep secrets. 

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