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Nights out

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I'm not used someone Im dating telling me to go out and enjoy myself and even encouraging me to have a drink.

All my relationships prior they used to go in a mood etc. 

Do you think he will expect me to message him whilst I'm out? 

He is out tomorrow night with his friends I'm not used to this so I'm not sure if he's expecting me to text him whilst he's out or if that will just annoy him. 

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12 minutes ago, happygal97 said:

Do you think he will expect me to message him whilst I'm out? 

He is out tomorrow night with his friends I'm not used to this so I'm not sure if he's expecting me to text him whilst he's out or if that will just annoy him. 

Probably not while he is out with his friends. People dont like "clingy" people. Texting your boyfriend(if he is that after 3 dates) while he is out, or even him texting you while you are out, is the definition of "needy" and "clingy". Dont be that woman. Go out and have fun with friends and hear with him tomorrow to exchange stories.

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And how did those past relationships go? They obviously didn't last, right?

Why would you interrupt someone out enjoying time with his friends? His attention should be on them, not his phone.

And don't you want to enjoy your own uninterrupted time with friends without ignoring them and paying attention to whoever is typing to you on your phone? If a guy expects you to check in with him as if he's your parole officer, you're in a toxic relationship.

There is a healthy balance in healthy relationships that include time together, time apart, and time alone. Have a wait and see attitude and see if you two get along more often than not, and share the same dating style and relationship goals if it comes to being exclusive.


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31 minutes ago, Kwothe28 said:

Probably not while he is out with his friends. People dont like "clingy" people. Texting your boyfriend(if he is that after 3 dates) while he is out, or even him texting you while you are out, is the definition of "needy" and "clingy". Dont be that woman. Go out and have fun with friends and hear with him tomorrow to exchange stories.

Yes completely agree with the not texting whilst he's out with his mates. I've always said go have fun with your mates or have a good night. 


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30 minutes ago, Andrina said:

And how did those past relationships go? They obviously didn't last, right?

Why would you interrupt someone out enjoying time with his friends? His attention should be on them, not his phone.

And don't you want to enjoy your own uninterrupted time with friends without ignoring them and paying attention to whoever is typing to you on your phone? If a guy expects you to check in with him as if he's your parole officer, you're in a toxic relationship.

There is a healthy balance in healthy relationships that include time together, time apart, and time alone. Have a wait and see attitude and see if you two get along more often than not, and share the same dating style and relationship goals if it comes to being exclusive.


Oh no did not last partly because we lived in each others pockets and they never took me out they just came round all the time. 

True when he is with me he never gets his phone out!

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18 hours ago, happygal97 said:

 someone Im dating telling me to go out and enjoy myself 

He is out tomorrow night with his friends 

He's encouraging you so he can do the same. Don't text when you or he are out. At best it's annoying, at worst it looks like keeping tabs.  Just enjoy yourselves apart or together.

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