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She never responded to me asking her out

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I went on a date recently with this girl I met online. The date went well and we had fun, her words. Later that night, I was walking her to her car and she mentioned a second date. I smiled and said I’d like that. 
After we left each other she sent me a message with her phone number and we started texting out dude of the app. 
a few days later I asked her out for a weekend date. She laughed and said I was smooth in the way that I asked. But she never responded to the question. 
should I bring it up or just let it go? 

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Let it go.  Her silence, ignoring you and no answer is her way of saying she is not interested in a second date with you.  I'm sorry. 

You've asked her out for a weekend date,  she didn't respond so it was her turn to let you know "yes" or "no."  You've received your answer which was "no."

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Its not out of the ordinary for them to respond later when it comes to online dating. I had one responding to my call for date a week later. Thought she lowkey ghosted me lol. 

Anyway, you can always respond "Is that a "yes" for a date? Then I will see you in Saturday, there and in that hours." It shows that you can take control and plan ahead and if she says "No" or just wants to change something in the plan she can tell you. 

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4 hours ago, Alittlehelpplz said:

I went on a date recently with this girl I met online. The date went well and we had fun, her words. Later that night, I was walking her to her car and she mentioned a second date. I smiled and said I’d like that. 
After we left each other she sent me a message with her phone number and we started texting out dude of the app. 
a few days later I asked her out for a weekend date. She laughed and said I was smooth in the way that I asked. But she never responded to the question. 
should I bring it up or just let it go? 

I would not -her loss.  If she wasn't enthusiastic about your asking then forget it.  

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Speaking as a woman, I'm smart enough to not let golden opportunities pass. I'd never give this vague, non-answer to someone I was truly interested in. She's also rude. She could've been mature and been honest that she wasn't interested. Hold out for the one who can't wait to say yes.

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You have zero to lose by hitting the send button one more time. You aren't desperate so don't worry about what she thinks or anyone else for that matter, it only matters what you think of yourself.

 Lets say you let it go and it hangs over you with the wondering what if?

 She gave you her number AFTER the first date so if she wasn't interested why do that?

 Send her a text but do it as if she has agreed to a weekend date. "I am planning out my weekend, Saturday works best for me for drinks and dinner, what time would you like to meet?"

  If she doesn't respond then there is no wondering.  I don't know how many times we have seen misunderstood intentions or messages taken the wrong way on here from texting.  Personally I think you should call her.  I doubt other guys do that, most hide behind texting.


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I would not text again.  This woman knows he is interested in taking her on a date this weekend.  This woman can read what she wrote which did not respond to the invitation -and his invitation was crystal clear.  So leave it to her to write again and say "oops I didn't mean to click send right away -I am free Saturday -are you still free?"  

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