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My bf inappropriately prioritizes his best female friend over me when we are together. How do we have a productive conversation?

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There's no conversation to be had so don't start.  Your hopefully soon to be ex-boyfriend and married Terrie should be with each other as much as possible while you realize you can do so much better for yourself by choosing a man of integrity in the future.  In the meantime, you need to dump your boyfriend stat! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Break up. It's for the best.

They're both a fault...

They're probably involved with with other inappropriately and you're not aware 

But you're not dating her. You're dating him.

They're both behaving inappropriately 


He isn't genuinely interested in you.


It's Terrie that he wants and truly has his heart.


You're a place holder and someone he is trying to make her jealous with.


He would drop you in a hurry if she agreed to be with him....


Perhaps he wouldn't..as you are his backup plan..

I don't understand why he's still your boyfriend.



This isn't going to go well for you...if you stay.


Things are only going to get worse.


Don't marry nor have children with this man.

There are billions of men out there to pick from..who won't treat you like crap and who would be genuinely interested in you.

Pick another guy.


Stop allowing yourself to be a doormat.


Get into therapy to learn how to love yourself and respect yourself.

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