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Should I tell a woman I'm dating about my past

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I've been dating this woman for 3.5 months now. She wanted to take it slow. For the past month and half she's been staying at my place one day a week and we've been having sex. We text everyday. Sometimes a lot sometimes a little. We still haven't spoken once on the phone. It's just texting. When she's over we don't do much except for play video games, watch movies and have sex together. We don't really have conversations it's only just small talk. She is always busy on weekdays cause of her professional job. We met online and neither of us have said to delete the profiles. But we're not seeing anyone else. We are close in the way where we text daily, kiss when we meet and have sex but it hasn't grown feelings between us. There is no love and our lives are almost separate. I don't believe either of us would develop feelings for each other. Many weeks ago there were a few times a smile emoji had hearts on it but that's all. Fifteen (15) years ago I was convicted of a sexual offense.Touching a minor inappropriately was the crime. I know how bad that sounds and everything was very bad back then. That is completely behind me and has been for over 10 years. I never went to prison, the probation I was on ended over 10 years ago and I need to register annually for 5 more years. That is the only crime I've ever committed. I'm hesitant to tell this woman I'm dating cause that's not who I am or have been for so very long now. If we were falling in love, we had feelings for each other or seemed serious then I would have to tell her. I've been questioning if I should say anything or not. And it's not too serious between us making me think not to bring it up. What do you think?

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Dude, the only thing worst then the killer is a child sexual predator. Guys like you dont survive jail. For a very good reason. She and any other sane women would not only broke up with you but denounce you over newspapers(or in modern day, Twitter) over that. She deserves to know stuff like that if you want to date her. Especially if she has kids.

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There's no way around it, (imo).  This type of information is public and is easy to find.

Even though this is a serious offense, she deserves to know.  If anything,  she'll be upset that you hid this from her, along with other outcomes, etc. I'd be honest and let the chips fall where they may.  As the saying goes, "the truth will set you free."

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If you're not invested in this woman for more than occasional hookups, then you don't really have anything to lose by being honest with her.

If she sticks around, you'll have a clear conscience and hold less tension about her finding out by other means. If she does not, then you haven't really lost anything heartbreaking, right?

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