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Did he lose interest

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Why is he acting distant all of a sudden? I know people say it’s because of a another women or they lost interest? Yet this guy has been chasing me for months even when I ignore him he blows up my phone. Wants to talk to me all the time. He even admitted that he likes when a girl sweats him, he explained I’m not like that which he liked. He said that I was a “challlenge and he likes that”. After a whole day of not speaking to me he texts me “are you busy” I respond saying “no” then he never texted back? Which is weird yet he watched my story after the fact? He was just talking my head off a couple days ago telling me all this stuff and now he’s acting distant? What do y’all think ?

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I too am curious.  Are you always writing about the same guy, or do you have the same dynamics with different guys?

Regardless - I suggest you actually read and take in the advice you're receiving here.

People who "blow up your phone" or "chase" you via text are inconsequential in your life.  They are just messing around.  it means nothing.  You don't know them; they don't know you.  They may be married or completely different from how they are representing themselves to you.  What you have going on is not a "relationship," it's just time wasting on your phones.  Go for it, if you think it's fun, but you don't need advice from a forum on how to deal with nonsense.

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Are you the one that turned up the guy for the date plenty of times? Expecting to be chased after? You are lol

I dont think you should complain why somebody doesnt chase you. When you turned him down every time he does. Even somebody who "likes the challenge" would give up when somebody who doesnt need that much work around them would show up. So yes, its entirely possible that he met somebody else.

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10 hours ago, Tiffany778 said:

He even admitted that he likes when a girl sweats him,

With this statement alone, it's clear he sees women, or girls as he refers to them, as game pieces on his playing table. And he always has more than just one on the board at a time. 

This is how he loves running his life. And you expect him to turn from "Player Boy" to "Mr. Serious Monogamous Man" because you're that one special girl in the whole wide world who has made him transform like Clark Kent becoming Superman?

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3 hours ago, Kwothe28 said:

Are you the one that turned up the guy for the date plenty of times? Expecting to be chased after? You are lol

I dont think you should complain why somebody doesnt chase you. When you turned him down every time he does. Even somebody who "likes the challenge" would give up when somebody who doesnt need that much work around them would show up. So yes, its entirely possible that he met somebody else.

This is not the same man

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