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Should I send a message?


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I recently met a nice woman at a seminar. We were there because we have the same type of work. We got along well with each other. During the breaks we only talked to each other and she laughed at all my jokes. But in the end I thought it was a bit strange to ask someone, who was there for her work, on a date. At the end we went our own ways and the goodbye was a little bit awkward. But after a few days I regret it that I didn’t ask her on a date. I do have a connection with her on LinkedIn, but isn’t it weird to just send her a message about this on this platform? Also she lives nearly 200 km away. I have never dated anyone that far away. So i’m doubting if I should start with this at all. Should I send her a message or not?

does someone has any tips?

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59 minutes ago, LucasJ said:

does someone has any tips?

Yes. You should have given her "The D" there and not ask for a phone number. Seminars and conventions are the prime time for that and she probably wanted that too. 200km for dating is not really achiavable that easily. 

You can ask for phone number to stay in contact. But I dont see it as a dating opportunity when she is so far away.

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If you're already connected on LI, you could shoot her a message to say how much you enjoyed your time together. If she responds you could explore ways your paths might cross through work or some other kind of shared interest in the future.

If this was such a one-off that crossing paths isn't likely, and you haven't already connected over a shared interest that you could suggest a place to meet for an experience with that, I doubt I'd pursue a date.

BUT, it wouldn't hurt to learn whether her response might encourage some pursuit.

What have you got to lose?

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During my life, I travelled quite a bit. It was really common to find people in those places I'd share chemistry with. I had fun flirtations, but never had any fantasies they would transform to anything serious and we'd be make it work despite the distance.

LDRs that start that way have an extremely high risk of failure. Too many cons in LDRs.

Since you're interested in finding a gf, amp up your dating life locally. I don't know what you do to meet women. Meetup.com is a great way if you have good groups in your area. Put yourself out into the world in ways you haven't before. Dance lessons, cooking lessons, painting lessons, book discussion groups, volunteering at a zoo or museum. Good luck!

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