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Is he interested if he doesn’t text in between dates?

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I (25F) met this guy (42M) online last week. Usually I don’t date men too much older than me, but we had a lot in common and I was very attracted to him. 

He lives about 2 hours away from me in a different state, but he was in my city visiting family so we went out on Saturday. We spent 7 continuous hours together because he kept extending the date and suggesting other things to do together. We had great conversation, a lot of similarities and I felt like I could be myself around him. As it was getting later in the evening and places were closing, he asked if I wanted to just “chill” and go back to my apartment, or go to another bar, etc. not sure if that’s a red flag? I said no to go back to my place but we did go to one more bar. After he walked me to my car, I asked if I could kiss him and we had a full on makeout. He was a little nervous during our date to show physical affection I think so I decided to make the move to kiss. He asked me after if I wanted to hang out again and he said I should come up to see him. I also have friends in his town so I could make a day trip out of it. 

He texted me the morning after and said he had a great time with me. I texted him back to make plans for next weekend to go see him but he took hours to respond to each of my messages. I figured he’s just busy, whatever. So we made the plans for me to come up and I haven’t heard from him since. It’s been 2 days.  It is different than our communication style before we met. I’m just nervous because I have gone on almost 10 previous dates since I started dating again a few months ago, and 50% of those men have ghosted me even though the dates went well. The others just fizzled out. Only one person reached out to me saying he didn’t feel a connection after the second date.

Is it a red flag is he doesn’t reach out in between dates? Confused if he lost interest after meeting me.

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3 minutes ago, Sunshineandroses said:

I (25F) met this guy (42M) online last week. 

He lives about 2 hours away from me in a different state, but he was in my city visiting family so we went out on Saturday. .he took hours to respond to each of my messages. we made the plans for me to come up and I haven’t heard from him since. It’s been 2 days

Sorry this happened. Is he married?

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32 minutes ago, Sunshineandroses said:

he asked if I wanted to just “chill” and go back to my apartment, or go to another bar

I think he just expected sex. Same with you taking a trip to him. He expects some action and not a real relationship. Hence why his interest level is not really there. If you decide to come to him, just know what to expect there.

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47 minutes ago, Sunshineandroses said:

he asked if I wanted to just “chill” and go back to my apartment, or go to another bar, etc. not sure if that’s a red flag? we made the plans for me to come up and I haven’t heard from him since. It’s been 2 days. 

I think you already know he's just looking for hookups. Is he living with someone?

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12 hours ago, Sunshineandroses said:

He asked me after if I wanted to hang out again and he said I should come up to see him.

Nope. Nope. I strongly advise you against this. A gentleman who is serious about you would not suggest this. Instead, he would make other outdoor plans and dates and follow up via text. Who knows if he's really not married or if he doesn't pull this same act with other ladies online.

Plus, the whole asking if he can go to your place is a red flag for you to run from. It has booty call all over it.

Don't stick around to see how red is the red flag. Just run. Block and delete him and then revise your dating standards and strategy as suggested by Andrina above.

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21 hours ago, Sunshineandroses said:

I have gone on almost 10 previous dates since I started dating again a few months ago, and 50% of those men have ghosted me even though the dates went well. The others just fizzled out.

I would say that this is pretty much the average experience of dating. 

Anyway, as for this guy. There's a lot of red flags. Not even considering the fact that he hasn't texted you in 2 days, but he lives in another state, 2 hours away, is much older, and seemed to exhibit some interesting behavior on your date (like he was maybe trying to get you drunk so you would go home with him?). All of this just sounds too complicated to be worth it. If you feel unsure, there's a reason for it. You should let this fizzle out.

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