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Hi everyone,


I just need to vent. I haven't posted here in a while. I posted a while ago on the same subject, hence the part II.


Tomorrow, I'm going to Toronto where my ex and I were together for 2 years (she's still there) for a week to visit some old friends, and to take a little vacation. I miss TO actually - lots of memories, lots of good friends still there.


To sum up, we were together for 2 years in TO, I had to go to another city for a job 16 hrs by drive, and we lasted 3 months in an ldr. What happened?? Searches me. I had no choice but to go because after I graduated, it was the only job I got (after 20+ applications).


But, already, the week before this week, I've been feeling really depressed, reliving the days in and around the break up, remembering the good times, the bad times - everything. I don't know if this is suppose to be good for me. I mean, I can't stay away from that city where I spent five wonderful years of my 20s forever just because my ex is there right? Its ridiculous. So, I decided to go. Who knows, maybe it will help me heal even more.


I'm meeting a girl there too who is from the city where I'm staying now. She is just there for the summer, because in TO, there are alot more oppurtunities for summer jobs. Its just casual, nothing serious ya know.


Well - thanks for letting me vent. Wish me luck as I will probably live some painful memories as I go back there, and also the good memories. Its just going to be such an emotionally charged visit. I hope my fragile heart can take it.


Don't worry, I will not contact her. What's the point?


Take care everyone in this healing forum. It will get better - I promise!

Kung fu

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