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Feeling really confused

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M(20) talking to an F(20) I met on hinge 3 weeks ago. We aren’t technically dating as of yet but I would say it’s been going good but here’s everything notable:

-she texts me good morning and every day asks me what I’m up to/how’s work, and to have a good day 

-I’ve hung out with her a couple times and she seems to laugh and enjoy it, she said she enjoys and has fun spending time with me. I’ve only hugged her so far but we already have the next date planned out

-she’s told her family about me 

-for some reason whenever she takes an hour or longer to respond she always apologizes and fills me in with what she was doing 

What’s throwing me off is that I’m on her Snapchat private story and today she was out shopping by herself and posted on her story saying “I wish I dressed nice because I just met the love of my life at this store”, it’s not referring to me btw. 

I would’ve just assumed she’s not into me but based on my observations above I’m so confused as it seems the opposite. For example She’s been talking to me today and literally asked how my days going not too long ago. If she wasn’t into me how come she checks in like that. Is she playing some game? Unsure if I’m just overthinking it.

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6 hours ago, NeedHelpBruhhh said:

 I’m on her Snapchat private story and today she was out shopping by herself and posted on her story saying “I wish I dressed nice because I just met the love of my life at this store”, 

After 2 dates, you're both still talking to and meeting others. It's fine if she muses about some guy she saw. 

Slow down on the texting and check-ins. Texting is not dating.  Social media is not dating.

Hopefully you don't expect that after 2  casual friendly  hangouts you're dating exclusively?

Step back from the texting. Continue to message and meet other women. This one seems 'meh'.

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You would have to "escalate" a situation a bit further. Meaning to flirt a little bit, maybe even try a physical contact and see how she reacts. If she reacts positively, maybe you have a chance for something more. Because you "hanging out" with her while she is out "shopping" for another guy isnt exactly what you should be looking for if you are looking for a relationship. And is more close to "friendzone".

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In my opinion, it sounds a bit odd that she's declared openly that she's 'found the love of her life', I know she is only 20 and many girls that age are quite immature, but still sounds odd. I'd be tempted to dismiss it as nothing, ie - at best it's some sort of Euphemism for something else. At worst, she simply saw someone she found very attractive. 

If I were you, I'd dismiss it out your mind and keep seeing her is if you'd never seen it. Good luck 👍 

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4 hours ago, smackie9 said:

She's doing everything for attention. Remember girls do like creating attention to ego boost themselves. IMO I wouldn't really work on this one. 3 weeks and you only hung out a couple of times. You sound more like a best bud than a romantic interest.

Thank you for the advice, anything I should do to make it more than “friends” or just move on?

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1 minute ago, NeedHelpBruhhh said:

Thank you, and I guess I should have specified but we would’ve hung out more times but we have fairly different work schedules so it didn’t always work.

is it normal for girls to do *** tests like her or?

If it's a $%^& test I would walk. That is childish manipulation/low self worth. Playing games are for kids not adults.

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2 minutes ago, NeedHelpBruhhh said:

is it normal for girls to do *** tests like her or?

That's not what this is. It's Her social media to post whatever she wants on. That her musings freak you out is your issue. If you like her, have the confidence to ask her out again rather than cower because of silly SC posts

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12 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

That's not what this is. It's Her social media to post whatever she wants on. That her musings freak you out is your issue. If you like her, have the confidence to ask her out again rather than cower because of silly SC posts

Fair enough but i wish you could see these “silly posts” I’m talking about in full context which would show where I’m coming. I guess at the end of the day though we aren’t technically dating so maybe it is fair game although what she posted is strange when she’s looking for a serious relationship.

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I know when I did OLD, I thought it was always smarter to have a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Such as you have to assume a person might be dating others because you don't know each other well enough to be exclusive, and decisions are being made--but you don't want that info thrown in your face. 

I think she's plain stupid to not consider her audience of whom she's given her social media info to when deciding what to post.

Only you can decide if you want to move forward with more dates. If you do, keep on observing. And if you get to the point where you need clarification, go ahead and try communication to get the answers from the horse's mouth.

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