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What does it mean when he notice your absence for a moment in a group sitting?


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22 minutes ago, Anna21 said:

We were a group of guys and girls and I went to sit for a little while away, he noticed that and started to ask my girlfriends about me.

then he looked at me from a distance and continued his talk with the rest of the group.

Probably wondering why you left the group, wondering if you're sulking about something or just being anti-social for some unknown reason.  That's the only "hidden meaning" I can come up with.

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8 hours ago, Anna21 said:

.Then he looked at me from a distance and continued his talk with the rest of the group.

What kind of group was this? Do you have a crush on him?  This interaction doesn't mean much if neither you nor him tried to make conversation with each other.

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On 11/18/2022 at 1:53 PM, Jaunty said:

There is no hidden meaning.  Why do you think that there would be?  


On 11/18/2022 at 3:34 PM, Batya33 said:

Why are you focused on finding some meaning?  What would you like it to mean?

Hey! That's harsh.It could mean something more like he care about your well being and if you want to find out you could just try something simple like saying hi to him. Don't do anything big but just make eye contact when he glances your way. If he responds then you can slowly go forward from there if you think it means somthing.

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1 hour ago, Rosestorm said:


Hey! That's harsh.It could mean something more like he care about your well being and if you want to find out you could just try something simple like saying hi to him. Don't do anything big but just make eye contact when he glances your way. If he responds then you can slowly go forward from there if you think it means somthing.

I don’t think it’s harsh at all. My opinion is she is over analyzing when there could be a million reasons including idle curiosity. Doesn’t mean he cares. He might find her behavior weird or game playing. What I think is a mistake is advising this person to assume it means interest in her as a person. Certainly it’s fine to say hi. I say hi to people I don’t know. 
 Or she can do what I have done. Ask him. “Hey I understand you were asking about me - I’m curious - why did you ask my friends and not just ask me?”   Many years ago I was on a first date with a really handsome guy.  During the meal I noticed a woman a few tables away who kept staring at me and my date.  I found it rude. I went over to her table and smiled right at her and said “do we know each other ?”  She looked uncomfortable and said no. I said “oh well that’s strange because you’ve been staring at me for awhile now.  I assumed you must think you know me.”  Then I walked away.  She stopped staring.  

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9 hours ago, Rosestorm said:

It means you're important to him and he cares about you. Don't expect that he loves you or something but take it as that he's worried for you and a good friend. 

I really think that's farfetched.  Of course you could be right but it's doubtful.  If the guy is a friend of the OP I think they'd have communication between them and she would not be asking strangers on the Internet to decipher secret meanings to something very basic.

Honestly, I think it's pretty odd for a person to leave a group and go sit separately but still close enough to hear the conversations and notice where someone is looking.   It would likely generate comments like "what's up with her?"  

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