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Should I drop him

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On 10/31/2022 at 9:32 PM, Tiffany778 said:

...No he reached out to me online on social media asking to take me on a date. Yet He lives in the state I used to live in and I told him I don’t live there anymore yet he assisted on still contacting me and planning a trip where I live.

So this is a total stranger who didn't even know where you live?

Not smart to mess with him, and do NOT tell him where you live.

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He may be amusing himself. I'd ignore him.
Always treat men as they treat you. If you aren't a priority, don't make yourself one. If they take an eternity to react, stop responding. This is how you show others how to treat you.
If I am put on hold, I will hang up. They quickly learn that they can call me whenever they have time.

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11 hours ago, OdliDPrincess said:

He may be amusing himself. I'd ignore him.
Always treat men as they treat you. If you aren't a priority, don't make yourself one. If they take an eternity to react, stop responding. This is how you show others how to treat you.
If I am put on hold, I will hang up. They quickly learn that they can call me whenever they have time.

Hey may be assuming what ??

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On 11/1/2022 at 6:00 AM, Tiffany778 said:

Well if he’s playing games then I shouldn’t matter.

And, you DON'T matter.  So stop wasting your time and energy.  

You posted to ask whether you should drop him.  

You can't "drop him" because there is nothing between you.   He is a stranger who is just killing time messing with girls on SM.  

Don't take any of this type of stuff seriously.  It's NOTHING but a way some people enjoy passing their time.  

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