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Should I drop him

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A man that wanted me first has been taking 3/4 hours to reply to my text every time, that he Initiates? Now I know people have life’s and there busy yet my generation has there phone on the 24/7! I don’t get men why scout me out on SM blow up my dms just to do this?

Anyways should I ignore him the next time he reaches out ? Or still continue to text him and no he hasn’t initiated a phone call yet either.

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Same guy that you turned off for a multiple dates?

Or some other guy?

Also I dunno what SM means. Is it some kink thing?

Also some people like to play games. For example if he is "too eager" you would brush him up easily. But now you are wondering why he takes so long to respond? Is there some other woman there? Which makes him look better in your eyes and you are seeking his validation. Aka, his mind games work on you.

Also, yes, you should drop him. Mind games arent exactly a sign of maturity. 

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7 minutes ago, Kwothe28 said:

Same guy that you turned off for a multiple dates?

Or some other guy?

Also I dunno what SM means. Is it some kink thing?

Also some people like to play games. For example if he is "too eager" you would brush him up easily. But now you are wondering why he takes so long to respond? Is there some other woman there? Which makes him look better in your eyes and you are seeking his validation. Aka, his mind games work on you.

Also, yes, you should drop him. Mind games arent exactly a sign of maturity. 

SM means social media. So basically he’s not interested? 

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He might be playing little games. I'd blow him off. 

Always treat guys the way they treat you.  if you're not a priority don't make them one.  If they take forever to respond then stop responding. this is how you teach people how to treat you. 

If someone puts me on hold, I hang up. They learn real quick that they can call me when they have time.  lol

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Just now, Lambert said:

He might be playing little games. I'd blow him off. 

Always treat guys the way they treat you.  if you're not a priority don't make them one.  If they take forever to respond then stop responding. this is how you teach people how to treat you. 

If someone puts me on hold, I hang up. They learn real quick that they can call me when they have time.  lol

Why would he be playing games if I’m giving him a chance? 

he’s the one that reached out to me wanting my number ? Even said “there’s not way your single your to beautiful”. 


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2 minutes ago, Tiffany778 said:

Why would he be playing games if I’m giving him a chance? 

he’s the one that reached out to me wanting my number ? Even said “there’s not way your single your to beautiful”. 


Exactly. that's a good question... why would a person want your number and then string you along? 

because he's playing a little game.  he's not serious about pursuing you. He likes leaving you hanging. 

He's a loser

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1 minute ago, Lambert said:

Exactly. that's a good question... why would a person want your number and then string you along? 

because he's playing a little game.  he's not serious about pursuing you. He likes leaving you hanging. 

He's a loser

I did respond to him but I took 19 hours lol he probably won’t text back but I wanted to flip the tables a little bit 

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19 hours is REALLY long. If you're annoyed he might be playing a game then why are you also playing it? For me it would depend what time of day he takes long to reply. For example if he's at work he might not be able to use the phone. Have you actually met him in person or it's just online?

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26 minutes ago, Tinydance said:

19 hours is REALLY long. If you're annoyed he might be playing a game then why are you also playing it? For me it would depend what time of day he takes long to reply. For example if he's at work he might not be able to use the phone. Have you actually met him in person or it's just online?

It was yesterday after noon he took 4 hours to message me back. No he reached out to me online on social media asking to take me on a date. Yet He lives in the state I used to live in and I told him I don’t live there anymore yet he assisted on still contacting me and planning a trip where I live.

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28 minutes ago, Tinydance said:

19 hours is REALLY long. If you're annoyed he might be playing a game then why are you also playing it? For me it would depend what time of day he takes long to reply. For example if he's at work he might not be able to use the phone. Have you actually met him in person or it's just online?

I agree. you're playing games, too. Things may never get real with you two

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2 hours ago, Tinydance said:

19 hours is REALLY long. If you're annoyed he might be playing a game then why are you also playing it? For me it would depend what time of day he takes long to reply. For example if he's at work he might not be able to use the phone. Have you actually met him in person or it's just online?

If he’s playing games why didn’t he respond to my text ??? That I sent 19 hours after he sent his

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9 hours ago, Tiffany778 said:

 I don’t get men why scout me out on SM blow up my dms just to do this?

Try not to waste time on lazy indifferent men who simply take a random stab at sliding into women's DMs.

It's not dating. Unless someone is crystal clear and makes confirmed dates, don't waste time on them. 

Reset your social media to more private settings. Get rid of dead weight like this.

Get on some quality dating apps with a good profile and pics and start talking to and meeting interested men.

Sliding into DMs is lazy, just delete and block anyone who does that. Don't give your number out to random dudes like that.

No they're not interested in you, they're interested in whoever takes the bait. They're probably sending out 100s of these lame canned DMs a day.


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This is a stranger typing and talking to you. A person who is interested in dating you will meet you in person ASAP to see if it makes sense to go on a proper date.  A stranger typing and talking to you at most is interested in setting up a time to meet.  If he's not doing that don't assume he is interested in you as a person or interested in getting to know you for dating purposes. 

A person who says something tacky to a stranger like "you're too beautiful to be single" obviously is not that emotionally intelligent, lacks tact and inordinately focuses on looks as if if someone is attractive looking they won't be single because a woman will be "snapped up" by a man and will always choose to be coupled up rather than "single." 

Someone who is not single is a person who is married, engaged or like-married.  Not just a person who is dating someone seriously.  That person is single.  Very attractive people choose to be single, are selective about who they date, etc.  He's expressing this inane cliche to a stranger -think about his lack of tact and common sense and yet you care whether he texts you?

A stranger who tells you he will plan a trip just to meet you and doesn't also say that of course he will stay in his own hotel, that he will meet you in a public place, is telling you he is planning a trip to have sexual intercourse with you and then leave and travel back to where he is and be off the hook --unless you two decide to meet up again to have sexual intercourse.

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In light of this and your other thread about a guy texting you after you'd turned him down a lot of times, I have decided that the best course of action for you is this:

Any time you are involved with texting with a man and you end up with some complications,  the solution is to drop him.  No discussion is necessary.  

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