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How should I approach a girl that I fancy alot but she doesn't even know me and there is more, let me explain.

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I have come across a lovely girl that I would like to ask out. She have no idea of me but I fancy her alot. For the last couple of months I cannot stop thinking of her so I have now decided to do something about it... But that is not the only problem in this scenario. She is a native english speaker and I am a foreigner that speaks at a B2-C1 level of english. So my level is OK but I am not able to joke in the same way or as confident which is quite important right?:)

The other weird part about this scenario is that I don't know where she lives, I only know where her mother lives for some reason and can't connect on any socials. I think both but atleast her mother live in a city a couple of hours away from me so should I just knock on her mothers door? I don't know if she is in a relationship but I can't look anywhere it says "in relationship". On top of all this, I am brand new to dating so any advice is welcome!

In the last month or so I am trying to improve myself with lifestyle, fitness, english and so on but my biggest question is, how should I do this?

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3 minutes ago, Martiniwastaken said:

I have come across a lovely girl that I would like to ask out. She have no idea of me but I fancy her alot.

How did you come across this girl if she doesn't know you? Did you see her in a public place? Do you know her name? 

3 minutes ago, Martiniwastaken said:

I don't know where she lives, I only know where her mother lives for some reason and can't connect on any socials.

How do you know where her mother lives if she lives a couple of hours from you? That is pretty weird. Do you know that she does not live with her mother? 


4 minutes ago, Martiniwastaken said:

should I just knock on her mothers door?

No. Not if they don't know who you are in any way, shape, or form.

6 minutes ago, Martiniwastaken said:

lifestyle, fitness, english and so on but my biggest question is, how should I do this?

What have you been doing already? Your English seems decent. I would keep doing whatever you're doing for that. As far as lifestyle - what do you mean? As far as fitness, that's pretty simple. Develop a workout routine, and stick to it. There are plenty of resources on the internet. YouTube has a lot of great workout videos you can follow along with, which is great especially if you're a beginner. 

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4 minutes ago, moodindigo91 said:

How did you come across this girl if she doesn't know you? Did you see her in a public place? Do you know her name? 

How do you know where her mother lives if she lives a couple of hours from you? That is pretty weird. Do you know that she does not live with her mother? 


No. Not if they don't know who you are in any way, shape, or form.

What have you been doing already? Your English seems decent. I would keep doing whatever you're doing for that. As far as lifestyle - what do you mean? As far as fitness, that's pretty simple. Develop a workout routine, and stick to it. There are plenty of resources on the internet. YouTube has a lot of great workout videos you can follow along with, which is great especially if you're a beginner. 

I saw here at a place and then I have done some research and managed to find her mother through some pictures and her house. It seems like her daughter moved out some time ago so no clue where she is now.

Yeah, I know her name but she doesn't use socials and her home adress is nowhere publicly. 

What would you do in this situation, travel to her mothers house and try to explain this? Feel like thats weird but maybe the only way to get in contact with her daughter. Or do you have any ideas?

I don't need help improving myself, I just mentioned it. Sorry if it was unclear!

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52 minutes ago, Martiniwastaken said:

I have come across a lovely girl that I would like to ask out.  her mother live in a city a couple of hours away from me so should I just knock on her mothers door?

How did you "come across" her? Where was that? Do not stalk and certainly do not show up at her mothers door. Are you on dating apps? If she has no social media you could try that.

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2 hours ago, Martiniwastaken said:

I saw here at a place and then I have done some research and managed to find her mother through some pictures and her house. It seems like her daughter moved out some time ago so no clue where she is now.

I mean I usually just search them on Facebook or somewhere and see if they want to add me. But that should be after you met. But damn boy, you shouldnt go to that kind of lenghts there.

You should aim to "be on her radar". Introduce yourself when you see her in town, maybe take her number if it goes well. Trying to find her house or to go there is indeed "stalker" level of behavior and something that you should forget.

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It sounds like you were attracted to her physical appearance and what you saw of her from a distance.  So -as the others said -assume she is not available to you and no never ever knock on a stranger's door -let alone a woman!- and say you want to get to know her daughter.  You could get hurt or in serious trouble for doing that. 

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4 hours ago, Martiniwastaken said:

I saw here at a place and then I have done some research and managed to find her mother through some pictures and her house. It seems like her daughter moved out some time ago so no clue where she is now.

Yeah, I know her name but she doesn't use socials and her home adress is nowhere publicly. 

What would you do in this situation, travel to her mothers house and try to explain this? Feel like thats weird but maybe the only way to get in contact with her daughter. Or do you have any ideas?

I don't need help improving myself, I just mentioned it. Sorry if it was unclear!

Yes sorry but that is weird! It's stalking. Did you see this girl only once? If you see her again maybe you should say hi and start talking to her?

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What you are doing is stalking and that's not cool, she will be running away from you all freaked out. Just let it go, as they say you win some you lose some. This isn't a movie, it's real life and things like this is creepy to women. Try meeting women on dating apps where going out on dates and meeting is already an expectation.

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If you go to any bar or festival or any other place where there are a huge group of people, you will normally find at least one person in the crowd you will find attractive. My suggestion is to not track this woman down because it's not normal behavior and will warrant a restraining order. 

Join clubs, meet up.com groups, online dating, go to dance clubs, etc. and meet women the normal way. How old are you? Why are you new to the dating scene? Your full-on approach and being a detective is not conducive to success.

You have to be a lot more mellow and have a wait-and-see attitude when dating. Don't assume a woman will be your girlfriend because you've had one date. Seems as though you might be the type that will go over the top on these things, so pace yourself. Do you have a handful of friends you can get advice from? Have you observed how they handle the dating world? Have you had any platonic female friends?

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