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Don't know what to do after this breakup

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Ugh -why does she get the benefit of your "comforting" her.  She realized she's not that into you -she doubts she is.  Please accept that even though it hurts this is the reason she is not with you.  People focus on themselves all the time AND focus on many other things too -friends, career, dating, pets, family.  The whole nonsense about "focusing on herself" but yet she was able to shift focus once you were there as her teddy bear to "comfort" her because she's soooooo emotional, right? 

Of course she can choose to give love.  She just chooses not to give love to you because she doesn't feel the desire to -she doesn't feel enough of a spark/chemistry -"not that into you".  

Please do leave her alone.  Please don't let her use you as a teddy bear/puppy to be coddled and comforted.  Her "mental health" will be fine when she accepts that she has too many doubts about being with you and that right now you two are not a good match.  Maybe in the future (which is how it worked for me) but never ever "wait" because there is no time if or when that might happen.

I'm sorry you're so upset about this and I think rip the bandaid -accept that she is just not that into you, and accept that no contact is the best because the last thing you need is to hear or see that she is suddenly able to "focus" on herself AND a guy she is interested in dating.  I'm sorry it hurts.

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