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Are men able to forget their soulmate


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The love of my life, told me that he needed 6 months to handle a messy divorce and get his life under control. We had been together for 6 months, but his divorce, the guilt, the overload at work just became too much. He said I was his soul mate, his one true love, yet he also said that he needed time to regain control over his life, he hugged me tight, kissed me and told me he loved me then left and I haven't seen or talked to him since and that was over a month ago. I know this man loved me and we were so compatable. We had fun together, loved each others company and had amazing sex. So, what I want to know is if you have someone who you feel you have such a connection with, are men able to walk away and forget or in time do they return. I wish I knew what men go through when they feel they have to leave, yet they still are deeply in love.

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I"m sorry to tell ya, you never never never forget. Intense feelings may fade but you will remember how you felt then at that moment in time. You will remember all the joy, all the happiness, all the pain, all the good times and the bad. Two lives intertwined even for awhile a lifetime of memories built never to be forgotten.



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All I had with my ex was good times until he suddenly ended it. He has come back and run away a few times. At the end of the day I don't care if he loves me or hates me from afar, hes no good to me unless he is anear.


a month is a short time. He could well come back to you. My ex came back after a year then ran again. That was 3 weeks ago. I have officially thrown in the towel.

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You won't ever forget... and chances are he won't either.


I dated a man for a while that swore I was his soul mate.... and maybe he was right. Our relationship would have been wonderful if it could have existed in a vacuum... but as that isn't possible we created amazing chaos.


We've separated and come back together a few times over the course of five years, with as much as 2 years of NC. I haven't heard from him now in nearly 18 months, but I still think about things from time to time and thought about him A LOT when I was starting my current relationship. It's a personal hell to live in, but your best chance of healing is to break ties and move on.


You were with him during the chaos of his divorce and once he's moved past that and healed... he might not be the same anymore. Its unfortunate, but highly possible that his love for you was simply filling a void. I wish you all the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know if it's just a guy thing, I believe the emotional dynamics (building blocks) of relationships are somewhat similar accross sexes; it's the emotional needs that differ.


I've dated my first love 3 times in the past 22 years; we've spent about 5 of those years together and just recently broke up because she is in the middle of a divorce.


I would say to just let him go for the time being and get on with your life. When someone is going through a divorce or bad breakup they need time and space to heal or you will risk being a transitional (rebound) relationship for them.


If you really want to make this work, you'll need to give him 6 months to a year to get settled and to be emotionally available to have a long-term relationship. If and when you do have contact in the future, make it light and go really slow, you may also try building a friendship, however, you will risk being hurt if and when he needs to spread his wings and date other people.

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I agree with what the others have said. Neither of you will forget. He came into your life for a reason. Have you figured out what that reason is? Here's a hint: It has something to do with your path towards total self-love and fulfillment. Confusing, eh?


He is one of your soul mates. All soul mates come into your life for reasons. Sometimes, it's not apparent at the time but further down the road, or shall I say your life's path, the reason will be very apparent.

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  • 3 months later...

He is one of your soul mates. All soul mates come into your life for reasons. Sometimes, it's not apparent at the time but further down the road, or shall I say your life's path, the reason will be very apparent.


Beautiful. And yes... I agree, he's there for a reason. He'll always be a part of you.

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Just because he's a man does not mean he does not have a heart. No, he won't forget you because this is the power of the soul mate bond. His personal issues has to be taken care of first before he can put his all into the relationship, that's all. He'll love you tomorrow just as he loved you yesterday. ;o)

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No men or at least some never forget...especailly if they have found that one special and true feeling within them selves. if they can be comfortable with that person like they have with no other, if they have that feeling of completeness, the feeling of timelessness when they are with the person. When they know that not being with that one person, they are not whole, complete...when he thinks of that person with every waking thought, that one person is with them with every passing breath, when he wants to be the first person she sees in the morning and the one that wants to be the last face she sees as he holds her closely and fall asleep in his arms, and he lays there and watches her sleep, like an angel sent down to him from heaven, and he feels that he is the luckiest man in the world for every moment that he can be with her.....yes i will always remember her, and long to be with her every moment of everyday.......be cause she is the one true love that i could have had.....

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Shadows, I think its a human thing. You know how you can remember the things you don't want to, but you can forget the things you do want to remember? Or how you can remember the littliest things like that commercial from when you were a kid? Memory is a weird thing, isn't it?


Monogamy.... what was that again? See, you remember the person and they are in your heart, so if you met them later on you guys would still be in each others hearts and then you can fall in love again and start a wild threesome or swinging party. Um... did I just say that?


Ahem... seriously (or as seriously as I can be ), as the writerslife said, everyone comes into our lives for a reason. Someone who touches us that deeply had a huge reason for being in our life and won't be forgotten. Yep, even if we want them forget them....

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Women can also 'forget' - or rather walk away or just pass by their soulmate...

So many variables and factors in this world - destiny and fate aren't cast in stone - even the most blessed life can be turned into an utter purgatorical hellfire of gloom if one fights against their heart or factors beyond their control intervene to knock them off their true path.


I believe that most of us have the chance with 'one' person in our lives to experience a life of deep love and unspoken understandings and connection, but the trouble is most people aren't mature or evolved enough to recognise the person when they come along.

They might just take them for granted, and after a while the people part.

Or earthly factors might cause them to almost connect, but the spark wasn't ignited by one or both - like if someone is already in a relationship, or doesn't feel like a relationship.

But one thing is certain - what they shared, they will never forget; what they had will never be found quite the same way again with anyone else; they will look for the same understanding, connection and feelings - but in this lifetime, they will only be able to settle for second best...

I do know sometimes that some people are lucky enough to be forced together by fate - but it is rare. I believe that those that desperately hunger for their 'one' ultimately end up disappointed and lonely.

Even if they have all the love in the world to give...

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Well, it has been almost 6 months now, since my soulmate left to regain control over his life. I gave him his space and avoided all contact and even began dating. During the past 6 months, he called me one time to apologize, and we exchanged a few email (about 3) mainly in regards to business. I last saw him on May 1, 2005 and on Oct. 28th he called and we talked for only a few minutes. Then on my birthday 10-30 he called again and left a message. Finally, I iniated a call on 11-1, but only was able to leave a message. Finally, on 11-2 he called and asked me if I would like to visit him and his children. He told me that he was sure they missed me and then he added so had he. I went and we had a very nice simple visit. Then on 11-3 he called me to tell me about his day at work (he's a Firefighter), I told him it was nice to be able to share moments in his life again and that I still kept the phone next to my bed, just in case he ever needed a friend to talk with. Well, later that night I sent him a text message to his phone (12am) and to my amazement he was awake and so next thing I knew the phone rang. We talked, until he was called away for a 911 call. I have given him his space and after talking I can tell you that men don't forget that special someone, their soulmate. I am just hoping in time we can once again be together, but until then I have my best friend back.


I have Hope now that my soulmate and I will one day be together, Bams

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