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Need advice about if my roommate (F) likes me (M)


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I've been living with my roommate (F) and 4 others, 6 of us total for about a year now. At first it was clear neither of us had feelings for each other but we would play games and go on night walks often together and sometimes playfight (she does this with some other roommates too though). In the past couple weeks I feel like I've gotten feelings for her and I don't know if I'm just thinking I am seeing signs now from her. On one of our walks she entrusted me with information about a date she had with another guy a few months ago that didn't work out. Then during one of our playfights she ended up sitting on me at the end while she was punching me (not that hard) and I was certain she could feel my d*ck but didn't make any effort to move (I didn't say anything either). I'm not sure if these are signs from her that she wants me to ask her on a date or if I am just clouded because I've gotten feelings for her. In the past when we talk she has made it clear (talking in general terms) that she understands that friends will get feelings sometimes and that even if things don't work out she would try to stay friends with that person. We've got at least one more year of schooling so would it be risky to ask her out at all since we would still be roommates or am I misreading this completely?

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Yes, it would be very risky to date a roommate. 

In the event it doesn't work out, you have to live together. There's no space. You would also get to see whomever she dates next, enjoying morning coffee with her or having a great time in her bedroom down the hall. 

It's just not a good idea. 

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7 hours ago, poorEQ said:

  during one of our playfights she ended up sitting on me  I was certain she could feel my d*ck  I'm not sure if these are signs from her that she wants me to ask her on a date or

How old is she? Quit the playfighting, it's  giving you erections as if it's a lapdance..

While getting erections is fine, you're doing this playfighting thing to get too close physically. It's creepy.

No these are not signs she wants to date, these are signs that you're horny and she's foolish to playfight with you but she thinks your benign like a friend but you're not.

She's a housemate, back off. Keep your hands to yourself. She's talking to you about her dates, that's worse than the friendzone, that's the male-girlfriend zone.


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Playfights? And you didnt at least try "titty twister"? 😁

It seems like more of a "friendzone" situation. And it is a risky business as if she says "No" or if anything you have fails at the end, you would still have to look at her every day. But if you have feelings you could at least "feel the court" a bit. Give her some compliments when you are alone and see how she reacts. Maybe even try some lesser physical touch during your "playtimes". If you see that she is unresponsive, leave it alone.

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I'm assuming you all share this house for economic reasons? She is not there for you to hit on. She is there because of the student housing situation. Leave her alone. Grow up. Get yourself on tinder or whatever and find dates that aren't stuck living in the house with you.

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I would stop the play fights since it blurs the lines too much with a roommate and it sounds like she likes this sort of game of pretending to be friends. Friends don’t cross the line this way.  And if you do and then she starts dating someone would you then back off?  If you’re not going to be moving out soon I’d back off now. 

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A woman who has no boundaries like this touchy-feeling play fighting sounds like she has a lot of practice. I know I and the friends I've had wouldn't have done that sort of thing with anyone who wasn't already a boyfriend. 

You're at an age where you're meeting hundreds of single women in college campus classes. It'd be a better plan to date someone you don't live with.

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6 hours ago, Andrina said:

A woman who has no boundaries like this touchy-feeling play fighting sounds like she has a lot of practice. I know I and the friends I've had wouldn't have done that sort of thing with anyone who wasn't already a boyfriend. 

7 hours ago, Batya33 said:

I would stop the play fights since it blurs the lines too much with a roommate and it sounds like she likes this sort of game of pretending to be friends. Friends don’t cross the line this way.

Agree with both 100%. You aren't involved nor dating. Plus, if you were to date another woman how do you think she'd feel about this?


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This doesn't sound like a great situation to really get overly attached to. She's comfortable enough with you for over sharing, but that doesn't indicate she's interested in you. If you wanted to test the waters, and maybe you should, make a comment during wrestling along the lines "This is hot but awkward." If she takes the lead fine, if not then you need to dis-engage and find someone who will be easier to read.

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I would just like everyone to know that we ended up sitting a little closer and closer one night as we were watching a show and eventually cuddled. Things have been great the last couple days and communication between us has been on point. We've been super connected and so to those who were saying I'm being stupid or this is childish, well thank you for being my haters that got me to my position I am in now.

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1 hour ago, poorEQ said:

I would just like everyone to know that we ended up sitting a little closer and closer one night as we were watching a show and eventually cuddled. Things have been great the last couple days and communication between us has been on point. We've been super connected and so to those who were saying I'm being stupid or this is childish, well thank you for being my haters that got me to my position I am in now.

There were no haters here. But you may have some amount of dislike for yourself if you're willing to play at this game.

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16 hours ago, poorEQ said:

I would just like everyone to know that we ended up sitting a little closer and closer one night as we were watching a show and eventually cuddled. Things have been great the last couple days and communication between us has been on point. We've been super connected and so to those who were saying I'm being stupid or this is childish, well thank you for being my haters that got me to my position I am in now.

good luck. you don't know until you try. If it doesn't work out, its gonna suck, but if it works out then thats awesome.

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