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My parents will hate me when I tell them I'm not vegan anymore. How do I tell them?

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Raised as a staunch vegan since 3 years old, until I recently changed my mind and began eating animal foods for my health issues, and felt so much better.

Definitely couldn't eat or cook meat and dairy in my parents house, so I moved out a week ago to eat what I want in my own home.

My parents will be devastated if they found out, but they will have to, soon. They're visiting this weekend and I don't want them to just discover the fridge full of eggs, salmon and beef. I'll have to tell them beforehand.

The twist is, I actually haven't been vegan for two years. When I still lived at home, I had to drive out to parks and sneak eat yogurt and take-out burgers in my car. I had to hide my non-veganism away from them totally. Not only would they have freaked out, but my dad has always said, "Don't feel you can eat meat outside this house either. You're not sh*tting out that stuff in my toilets."

And, oh yeah, that car? Before I bought out their lease and had it moved to my name, back then, it was technically their car. If they found out I had been keeping a secret AND doing it in their car all these years, they'd freak.

So how do I tell? Though I felt better with the new inclusions in my diet, I didn't want to tell them until a few months deep into my move so I could do it consistently enough and they could see the difference. Looks like that can't happen, though. How do I tell?

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Just now, DrugEgg6 said:

They will feel I'm a murderer and making a drastic mistake health wise.

Ok their cultish beliefs should not be your problem and haunt  you. They have their opinion, that's fine. If they are crazy enough to disown you for this, you may be better off having escaped from them and distancing yourself.

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I would tell them today before they come for the weekend . Give them a chance to process. If they are this extreme about it, the last thing you want to do is shock them by seeing the food in your fridge and you eating it in front of them for their first time finding out.

It will be a tough convo but it will be liberating for you to get the truth out in the open.

The acceptance part is on them. You just have to stay strong. You can be empathetic and firm. It's not a debate, it's simply you being honest because you love them.


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1 hour ago, itsallgrand said:

The acceptance part is on them. You just have to stay strong. You can be empathetic and firm. It's not a debate, it's simply you being honest because you love them.

This.  State it as a fact not as a discussion opener.  Do it as a (vegan) compliment sandwich. "I really appreciate all your caring about my health and animals and the environment.  I recently realized that eating vegan was not best for my health.  I started incorporating animal products into my diet and I've seen great benefits in my health.  I realize you feel differently about it.  And might be disappointed in my choices.  I have to do what is best for my body and right now this is best.  I hope you can accept it even though you disagree.  Thank you again for all your hard work in buying and preparing food when I lived at home!"

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