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I am losing my best friend after I told her I love her.


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I never thought it was possible, but I fell in love with one of my best friends. I had known her for a while and it just sort of happened. I was never sure of how she felt about me. I knew she thought of me as a best friend, but we never talked about "us" at all. I took a leap of faith one day and told her. She was shocked, yet flattered, but made it clear that it would never happen between us. I asked that we remain friends and have tried my best to make things the way they were before I told her, but she seems really distant and nervous around me nowadays. I almost feel like she is avoiding me sometimes. The other thing is she is in her late 20's and has never been in a relationship before and is really scared of them. I still care for her a great deal and would love to be her friend, but I just don't know what I can do to set things right? I guess I just really miss having her in my life on a daily basis as my best friend. Any advice on how I can set things back to the way they were?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I met this girl 6 days ago and she is every thing i expected to be.She start flirting with me.I gave her my phone and e mail address at work.Then after I got home from work,I check my e mail.Suprisingly she e mail me so quickly.She gave me her e mail address and her phone number also.I quickly called her and we talk for a while,but then some how she ask me this question.the question she said to me was "If i were gonna cheat on you,but i made a mistake and i want you back.How can i win you back?Well my answer to her is that i said"I love her no matter what,you don't have to do any thing".Is this gonna hurt my relationship with her.I'm still talking to her ,but not too often though.What should i do to fix the "I LOVE YOU",because i think i said it tooooo FAST.IS this a problem?,because somehow i still talk to her.HELP ME PEASE!!!!

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  • 1 month later...

whoever said, fallin in love with a friend is criminal ! that would be ideal, friends then lovers coz its not really easy for lovers to be friends.


you can't change anythin ..nor can she. you love her and are willin to do anythin to have her around. she doesn't and can't feel comfortable with you no more. could be her attitude towards relationships or takin things for granted.


your best bet would be to give her the space, you need it too ..to sort yourself out !

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