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he's never had gf...does he actually like me? help


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Right ive had a best mate now for a couple of months hes the same age as me though. Hes never had a girlfriend before. but i dont know if he knows really how to have one. we get on soo well he sticks up for me and we laugh together and aare always teasing each other. he looks after me and we are close but i need some tips to see how i can fully know if he likes me and also if he does how i can get him to ask me out..or kinda just get real close so we kinda just are going out ineed some tips..hes not shy with me i just need to know how i can be sure and then how to get him

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wel for a start if hes never had a girlfriend he might be worried bout askin you, however it isn't illegal for you to ask him. it is almost impossible to know if someone likes you most of the time so the best idea is to bring it up in a conversation with him. if you are as close as you say it wont afect your relationship in a negative way if he says no.

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He's not shy with you, but is he shy otherwise? If so, thats a good sign. Shy people only really open up to people they trust and like, the fact that he gets along so well with you is a good start.


You could start subtly throwing in hints. Eye contact, flirting, asking what he's doing and making plans to hang out, smiling alot, mentioning date like activities... may give him the hint your interested. But I agree that the best thing to do is take the inititive yourself. The only way to know for sure is to talk about things, get it in the open. It always amazes how people tend to dance around subjects like this, when its obvious that they should just be talking about it directly. If you are as close as you say, it won't ruin the friendship, and you'll know one way or the other how he feels.

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I simply suggest ask him if he likes you. That way you don't have to watch for any signs. But if you would rather take the more subtle approach, then see if he blushes around you, or stutters. That should tell you if he likes you. Good luck!

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