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Why did he block me?


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I’ve been friends with this guy for over a year now. There were times when things moved a little bit on to the romantic side which our friends noticed and even used to tease us together. 

But after the pandemic when everyone moved on with their lives, we didn’t used to talk as much anymore. But we always did keep in touch and even hung out a couple of times. If not anything else, I thought he was a genuine friend as we were always updated with what’s going on with our lives. 

This one time when I was mad at him and thought of cutting off contact with him, he messaged me repeatedly and made it clear that he cares about me and didn’t want to lose me. 

Recently I’ve got an offer letter from a university in the UK for my master’s so I will be moving there in a couple of days. When I told him, he repeatedly asked to meet him once before I leave. He said he will treat me. 

Last night, I texted him playing a prank that I’m leaving in a couple of hours and this is goodbye. And he was mad that why didn’t I meet even after he asked me to. He said “didn’t I ask you to meet once before you go? This is not right!” and then I told him I was joking and then we made plans to meet and he was talking to me about sending him gifts from the UK. 

But then the next night he just blocked me out of nowhere. From each and every social media..even Instagram where we don’t even follow each other.

 I texted him in a game we play asking why he did that and he told me that it wasn’t him, it’s a girl he gave his password to. Apparently she asked him to unfriend all girls because he asked her to do the same.

But I checked his profile and it was just me who he blocked. I just feel like he is lying to me because why would he even block on WhatsApp. You can’t share the password to your WhatsApp. His last message was I know this is weird but it wasn’t intentional. It’s a long story I ll tell you some day. 

I just don’t understand what happened…I thought he was a genuine friend. Why would he even make plans with me if he was going to block the next day? 


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8 minutes ago, Missinghim12 said:

I’ve been friends with this guy for over a year now.. we always did keep in touch and even hung out a couple of times. 

This one time when I was mad at him and thought of cutting off contact with him, he messaged me repeatedly

I texted him playing a prank that I’m leaving in a couple of hours and this is goodbye. 

But then the next night he just blocked me out of nowhere.


How do you know each other? How old is he? Are either of you in other relationships?

Is this a distance situation? Why were you so angry you ignored him?

 It's pretty clear he blocked because of the nonsense, games and prank. Leave him alone. 


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5 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

How do you know each other? How old is he? Are either of you in other relationships?

Is this a distance situation? Why were you so angry you ignored him?

 It's pretty clear he blocked because of the nonsense, games and prank. Leave him alone. 


We know each other through a mutual friend at a hangout. He is 23. And no we are not in relationships.

He was fine when we talked last night. We made plans to meet in a few days. He is not the kind to get mad at pranks. It was a joke and we did laugh it off. He was completely normal. and when I asked him why he blocked, he told me it’s not anything that I did. 

And I don’t understand why you have to be so mean here. We are all sharing in this forum because we are hurt and are suffering mentally. If you are answering on someone’s post, least you can do is be kind. 


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8 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

I think he’s upset that you lied to him. And potentially using it as an excuse to cut off contact. Have you played these sorts of games with him in the past ?

But he was completely normal when we talked last night. He wasn’t mad at all. I didn’t play, it was just a joke. We are always joking with each other. 

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All you need to know is that he did not meet with you. And he is no longer speaking to you. Is that correct? 

He seems fickle or is going through some issues. Why would he get mad or upset in the first place if you left without seeing him? It’s a bit dramatic. You may be missing his attention and reactions but you also have a new life to look forward to. Congrats on the acceptance also and enjoy your studies. Make new friends and make use of your time there. 

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18 minutes ago, Missinghim12 said:

But he was completely normal when we talked last night. He wasn’t mad at all. I didn’t play, it was just a joke. We are always joking with each other. 

When was the last time you had spoken to him before this joke?


39 minutes ago, Missinghim12 said:

Why would he even make plans with me if he was going to block the next day? 

It sounds like he's seeing someone and she doesn't like that you are in contact with each other, and that he made plans to meet up with you. I would bet he agreed to block you because it aroused her suspicion. 

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I am sorry but you sound immature. You friendzoned a guy, played a prank on him and expected him to be OK with it. Any guy with shred of self-respect would block you after that. He probably did cared about you(as evident with his overreaction to "prank"), but seeing how you treated him, he opted to just cut contact. Bit dramatic without explenation other then "I need to do it because of some girl"(possibility but think its just him pretending to be a girl so he can cut contact) but I guess he is on immature side too.

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46 minutes ago, Kwothe28 said:

I am sorry but you sound immature. You friendzoned a guy, played a prank on him and expected him to be OK with it. Any guy with shred of self-respect would block you after that. He probably did cared about you(as evident with his overreaction to "prank"), but seeing how you treated him, he opted to just cut contact. Bit dramatic without explenation other then "I need to do it because of some girl"(possibility but think its just him pretending to be a girl so he can cut contact) but I guess he is on immature side too.

What do you mean friendzoned a guy? It never got that far for us to be in a relationship. We were literally just friends and hung out as friends.


and friends do play pranks on each other. We are always joking and always playing pranks. It isn’t anything new and he wasn’t mad on a serious note. He just really thought that I left and wanted to know why I didn’t meet before leaving. That’s all. We laughed it off. He was completely normal and talked like we used to. 

I even asked him what did I do to get blocked and he told me it wasn’t me. 

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1 hour ago, Missinghim12 said:


he told me that it wasn’t him, it’s a girl he gave his password to. Apparently she asked him to unfriend all girls because he asked her to do the same.

But I checked his profile and it was just me who he blocked. I just feel like he is lying to me because why would he even block on WhatsApp. You can’t share the password to your WhatsApp. His last message was I know this is weird but it wasn’t intentional. It’s a long story I ll tell you some day. 



Does this very good friend have a girlfriend?  

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I wouldn't bother trying to figure out why?  🤔  Either people like you or they don't.  Either people are interested in you or they are not.  I'm sorry he blocked you everywhere.  Accept that he doesn't want you in his life anymore.  It's a terrible feeling to feel rejected.  Know that you're better off without him and prefer to surround yourself with kind people.  Unkind people don't deserve to have YOU in their lives.  Change the way you think and you will look at people and life with a new, wiser lens.  This is how you hang tough and become strong.  Don't feel weak. 

As an aside regarding pranks, be careful.  Even though some people have no qualms dispensing pranks, those same people are not always amused when the prank is on them.  Suddenly, it doesn't feel too good.  Err on the side of caution by refraining from pranks. 

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If he's that good of a friend he will tell you someday. Maybe his feelings were hurt that you made a prank out of his sincere feelings for you--kinda ruined the vide he was going for in sending you off?

Only he knows the answer, not us.

Safe travels, and best of luck with your studies. EnjOy!

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People are strange.  They can dish it out but they can't take it.  It's one way or no way.  It's not necessarily about only pranks.  People have no qualms saying whatever they want to you but the minute you give them a taste of their own medicine, they react very harshly whether it's saying something terrible to you or abruptly blocking you.  Same with in writing such as text.  Tread lightly with people because not everyone is receptive.  This is human nature.  Grow accustomed to it.  This is a cruel world we're living in.  Not everyone is nice. 

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4 hours ago, Missinghim12 said:

 I texted him in a game we play asking why he did that and he told me that it wasn’t him, it’s a girl he gave his password to. Apparently she asked him to unfriend all girls because he asked her to do the same.

But I checked his profile and it was just me who he blocked. I just feel like he is lying to me . . . 


LYING?! 😮  Maybe it's just a prank.  As you are well-aware, friends do play pranks on each other.

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4 hours ago, Missinghim12 said:

This one time when I was mad at him and thought of cutting off contact with him, he messaged me repeatedly and made it clear that he cares about me and didn’t want to lose me. 

Sounds to me like head games 😕 . He doesn't sound too stable.....Oh well, his loss.  Don't play .

And why would you cut off contact just because you were upset with him?

is this how you all do things nowadays?  That's sad.

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2 hours ago, Missinghim12 said:

What do you mean friendzoned a guy? It never got that far for us to be in a relationship. We were literally just friends and hung out as friends.


You do know that you dont have to be in a relationship in order for you to friendzone someone? If he had romantic feelings toward you, and you labeled it as "friends", that is friendzone. He is way invested in you by his reaction to not be that.

Also, I am sorry, but your "prank" is just immature and cruel. 

- Oh I am leaving right now, this is goodbye(you)

- Nooooo, I wanted to treat you nicely and you are leaving without seeing me(him)

- Xaxa it was just a prank bro(you)

I am caricaturizing. But cant you see how its maybe something you dont joke about?

Anyway, it sounds messy. So yes, maybe its better to not have contact there. 

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2 hours ago, Missinghim12 said:

What do you mean friendzoned a guy? It never got that far for us to be in a relationship. We were literally just friends and hung out as friends.


and friends do play pranks on each other. We are always joking and always playing pranks. It isn’t anything new and he wasn’t mad on a serious note. He just really thought that I left and wanted to know why I didn’t meet before leaving. That’s all. We laughed it off. He was completely normal and talked like we used to. 

I even asked him what did I do to get blocked and he told me it wasn’t me. 

Take it at face value. He opted to stay out of your life so process that and move on. Someone who chooses to opt out has made a decision. All you have to do is respect that and be around others who enjoy your company. 

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4 hours ago, Missinghim12 said:

You can’t share the password to your WhatsApp.

Yes, that's a lie. Anyone can tell their password to anyone they want. Find new gaming friends. Sounds like his GF threatened to breakup if he didn't get a life and quit overusing video games.

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14 hours ago, MissCanuck said:

When was the last time you had spoken to him before this joke?

Asking again, as I think it got buried under other posts. When was the last time you two had been in contact before this? 

Because it doesn't sound like you were all that close anymore, OP, if you aren't even sure if he's got a girlfriend now. 

Are you sure you weren't trying to get his attention with your "joke"? It reads like you wanted to hear from him and you knew that would be the thing that would get him to reply to you. 

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3 hours ago, MissCanuck said:

Asking again, as I think it got buried under other posts. When was the last time you two had been in contact before this? 

Because it doesn't sound like you were all that close anymore, OP, if you aren't even sure if he's got a girlfriend now. 

Are you sure you weren't trying to get his attention with your "joke"? It reads like you wanted to hear from him and you knew that would be the thing that would get him to reply to you. 

Last we had a conversation was 2 weeks ago when he texted me to ask if I got my visa yet. That was when he asked to meet him before leaving. And he even told me things like don’t go..you could find a job here. He was even joking about finding him an English wife in the UK, literally no whiff of him being in a relationship. 

Apart from that, he texted 3 or 4 days ago asking if I wanted to join him to play but I declined as I was busy. I understand a video game might seem juvenile to you lot but it is our platform where we mostly converse and play till almost 3 in the morning. It’s more like a phone call where you also play a game in addition. 
And yes you are right, I did want his attention as I wanted to follow up about the hangout before I leave. So I started the conversation with, “hey I thought someone was supposed to treat me? And he replied “you got your visa?”, that is when I joked that yeah I’m leaving tonight and he said “why wouldn’t you meet me before leaving?”. He asked a load of other questions like when is the flight? Who will receive you in the UK? Will you be travelling completely alone? Just like any other friend would.


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