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On 8/11/2024 at 11:01 PM, dias said:

She invited me to her summer house in another smaller city (the old capital of Greece before Athens - beautiful place - beaches with mesmerizing blue/green water). She really wanted me to go there. I was really hesitant for multiple reasons. What if I didn't like it? I haven't spent more than a couple of days in someone else's house outside of family members. I had to meet all her family (father, aunts, cousins) and live very close to them which made me really uncomfortable. I had many concerns about it. 

Eventually I took the plunge as I thought what the heck, if I don't like it I am returning back to Athens immediately or stay at a hotel. Fortunately we had enough privacy. We spent 12 days together. I had an amazing time, we did so many cool things. We took her boat and visited islands nearby, we swam in beautiful beaches you can only reach with a boat, we went to restaurants and bars, we played board games, we walked and exercised in nature, we drove listening to music, we had barbeque, we ate on a bench watching the stars, we had sex every day for hours (we took it to next level for real, I thought I would end up in hospital hahahaha), we showered together, we ate together, we slept together, we even urinated together..... we spent pretty much 12 days 24/7 together. For me this is a record, I can't even tolerate my parents for more than 2 days. However, we were very compatible on a practical level which is awesome, this is the first time in my life I felt I am so compatible with a person. I didn't have this feeling of wanting to leave, I didn't feel suffocated at all. Pretty awesome (and so strange too)

How the heck I matched so well on a practical level with this girl only God knows. It is still puzzling to me, a big questionmark.  

Honestly, wow. You have found what most people spend years trying to find.

I'm almost jealous!! She's growing on you. Congrats! 😊

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13 hours ago, DarkCh0c0 said:

Honestly, wow. You have found what most people spend years trying to find.

I'm almost jealous!! She's growing on you. Congrats! 😊

Well, I have also spent years trying to find it. That's why I know it's so rare. 

Yes she is growing on me, I think deep down I am in love with her. I do enjoy every moment when we are together.

I don't want to jinx it, time will tell.

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1 hour ago, dias said:

Well, I have also spent years trying to find it. That's why I know it's so rare. 

Yes she is growing on me, I think deep down I am in love with her. I do enjoy every moment when we are together.

I don't want to jinx it, time will tell.

Time will tell indeed. Enjoy the love 🩷 It's precious.

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On 8/18/2024 at 11:43 PM, dias said:

Well, I have also spent years trying to find it. That's why I know it's so rare. 

Yes she is growing on me, I think deep down I am in love with her. I do enjoy every moment when we are together.

I don't want to jinx it, time will tell.

After all those years must feel extra special. You deserve it. 

So, can you let us in on the secret formula that finally made it work? Getting a little tired of waiting over here. 😉

Just kidding. Have fun and enjoy it.

And great pictures. 

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Visited my grandparent's house in the forest with my dad. It is in a mesmerizing magical place. Forests and lakes only. Nature is such a gift. I swam at dusk in the lake, I was alone. It was the most serene place I have ever been. Only me and nature. For a moment I wanted to cry from the beauty of nature. 




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7 hours ago, Jaunty said:

That is truly a gorgeous spot.  Is this in Greece?  I don't picture anything like this when I envision Greece.  I've never been there.

Hahahaha no this is far from Greece up north. I am in north Poland, my dad is half Greek half Polish born and raised in Poland so we have family here. I really like the city but this place in the woods is something else. It's the most peaceful and serene place I have been in my life. Last time I visited it was 15+ years ago, I forgot how beautiful it was. 

This is my grandparent's house. Same as it was in 1974 when it was built. Nobody lives here anymore for the past few years so it needs some basic repairs and maintenance mostly but it is so amazing to live there. Especially when there is light rain and you sit there and watch it quietly. Beautiful.


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Think there is a part of us that can really benefit from taking the time to reconnect with nature. Helps us appreciate the wonders of the world and the gift that life really is.

Glad you have a chance to do that.

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In Poland there are many lakes and rivers which cross the country and many of them are connected to each other. You can go kayaking for weeks. We went yesterday and we did 17km in 6 hours with about 45 minutes break. The second time in me life doing kayaking so I don't know if it is a good time. It's exhausting paddling 5+hours. My whole back and shoulders were/are aching. The most solid workout for the back/arm I have ever done. I think 3 hours in and it starts becoming cruel hahaha. 

Nonetheless it was fantastic. On the break we stopped in the middle of a big lake watching the swans and eating sandwiches. The most calm and serene landscape I have experienced. I love the ocean but it does not have this serenity and peace, only in the lakes within forests you can feel this peaceful. The north has different things to offer. If only it wasn't this cold in the winter hahaha







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A question came up the other day when I had a nice discourse with a friend. What is the most important skill in life? 

In my opinion, I can say with certainty that the most important skill is to be able to do things you don't like (or you are very uncomfortable doing) and do them as if you like them (I mean do them right as if you liked them). It's the mindset behind it. When you are able to discipline yourself and do things you don't initially like continuously until you get better is by far the most important skill. Once you learn this mindset you stop worrying about things, you just do them whether you like them or not. It took all my adult life to cultivate this mindset and although it's never easy doing things I don't like it's by far the most liberating skill you can learn. 

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4 hours ago, dias said:

A question came up the other day when I had a nice discourse with a friend. What is the most important skill in life? 

In my opinion, I can say with certainty that the most important skill is to be able to do things you don't like (or you are very uncomfortable doing) and do them as if you like them (I mean do them right as if you liked them). It's the mindset behind it. When you are able to discipline yourself and do things you don't initially like continuously until you get better is by far the most important skill. Once you learn this mindset you stop worrying about things, you just do them whether you like them or not. It took all my adult life to cultivate this mindset and although it's never easy doing things I don't like it's by far the most liberating skill you can learn. 

That's a really interesting question and a really interesting answer! I am very disciplined. I am often on autopilot during my ridiculously early morning workout.  I do do it as if I like it because it helps with the motivation.  So as I'm nearing the end I work even harder to show myself that even though it's almost the end I'll act as if it's the beginning when I have more energy.  There are aspects of my job I don't like because - that is reality for almost everyone - and I've learned if possible to do them first.  And I agree you don't have to "like" to do something or feel comfortable doing it to get it done often to reach the larger goal.

Thanks for sharing!! Very thought provoking.

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14 hours ago, dias said:

What is the most important skill in life? 

Probably will vary from person to person depending on life experiences.

First reaction was listening/observing. You want to learn any other skill, you need to listen to or watch those who have that skill so you can pick up what you need to do. You want to do well at school or work, you need to listen to the teacher/boss/client to figure out what they need from you so you better provide that work or service. You want to have a good friendship or romantic relationship? You need to pay attention to the other person and find a way to give them what they are looking for. Feeling depressed or upset with yourself? You need to listen to yourself and know when you aren't happy and why. Only then can you find a solution that will make you happy.

Personally, I've found it more liberating to not try and do things I don't like doing. If I don't enjoy it, why do it? Why force myself to be miserable, even for a time? Life is too short and there is enough misery as it is. Let's not add more to it.

If it's something I have to do, I find a way to see something in it that I do like. I picked a work field that matches my skills and interests, so I don't have to fake enjoying it because I do. If it's social situations, I find the one person I can stand and just socialize with them. Adult chores? Same thing, find a way to make it fun and fit with your personality. 

Fake it til you make it just feels so... fake. 

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