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A valid long distance concern? Whatsapp last seen

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7 hours ago, Luckysmith12 said:

know I choose to believe in the most optimistic ones but its for good reason. The thought of losing her (because I don't have that many people that close to me in my life) could be very detrimental to my mental health. 

I've just advised, this week, another poster about the cons of not having a support system and fulfilling life besides having a significant other. Because yes, when she's the sole center of your universe, a breakup feels a lot more devastating and you have a harder time letting go if a relationship is toxic. In your case, you're both accusatory and grasping for straws, looking for plausible excuses.

There are two possibilities here. One is that you're not in the right mindset to date because you are distrustful and acting inappropriately. Two is that there is a possibility she is a player. One or both of these things is factual, but the only thing that matters now is, you two shouldn't be dating, either for your sake or hers.

If she was a faithful woman with normal self-esteem, she would have blown up that you searched through your phone and told you to go to hell and blocked you. But it's likely she's a player, slippery as an eel, and used to guys catching her so she's grown used to lying and the art of juggling. 

And speaking as a woman, my family and close friends would know not to blow up my phone when I'm on vacation. I don't know of any young woman who would be putting do not disturb for so long on her phone. 

Stop the nonsense talk about how you won't be able to handle a breakup. You can retrain the reel that goes on in your brain. Tell yourself you're resilient, and that fate has someone better in store for you. And then stick to dating locally where you can see the reality of a person far sooner than wasting time on a fantasy LDR.

I just came across a quote today by Javan that fit this situation to a T.

"Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes . . . just be an illusion."

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