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Friends with benefits over, but feel betrayed


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1 hour ago, Tinydance said:

Well I've only had three FWB and I had a reason for doing it at the time and in two of the cases I don't think the reason was really sex, believe it or not. The guy I was in love with, well, you guessed it, I wanted more from it and was hoping he'd change his mind about not wanting a relationship with me. The guy that we both didn't have feelings for each other I think was just a distraction from a really bad break up from a long term boyfriend. Then there was a third guy who actually liked me a lot but I didn't have feelings for him. I think that one was more about sex because he's a really attractive guy and the sex was good lol But he was also really nice and made me feel comfortable.

Oh yes -I mean there are tons of reasons why people choose to have casual sex.  And sometimes no reason at all -just the reason of it feels good. No biggie.  I once made out with a guy on a beach at a club med resort - 1990s because I wanted to see what it was like to pick up a guy -I went over to him and chatted him up -we had something in common that I knew of - then I asked him to go for a walk on the beach where we kissed. 

I wasn't using him -meaning -I did like him -thought he was nice and cute - and really anything goes in club med (yes we were both 100% single!) - the next day he pursued my roommate -a woman I'd met on the charter flight with the same first name as me.  She wasn't into him - I mean duh isn't it always like that? But I was totally fine -I knew it was a one night fun hook up on a gorgeous beach.  

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I'm sorry.  I think you have every right to feel how you feel. And regardless of what was agreed to, you don't owe her continued friendship.

The pain you're going through is very typical of fwb relationships and your reasons for even agreeing in the first place are, too. So you are certainly not alone. 

It takes time but you'll meet someone else.  Don't beat yourself up. Take care of yourself.  Put yourself first. Honor your needs and wishes.  Do nice things for you and when you do meet the next woman, don't let fancy words distract you.  

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